Glute force: Why big, strong bum muscles matter for your overall health
Forget about how they look; what about what they do? Why is having big, strong glutes important for your body to function well? These muscles work together with your brain to generate a lot of power to hold your body up as gravity tries to pull it down. They also protect the hip joint from impact and from shearing forces that might cause long term damage.
Q&A: Common calf muscle injuries in runners over 40
Calf muscle injuries are among the most common for runners over 40, particularly men. This type of soft tissue injury can heal, but it is going to take time. For younger runners, recovering from a calf muscle injury usually takes about six to eight weeks.
Total shoulder arthroplasty vs hemiarthroplasty in patients with primary glenohumeral arthritis with intact rotator cuff: Meta-analysis using the ratio of means
Glenohumeral arthritis is a degenerative disease of the shoulder joint. When the rotator cuff is intact there is limited evidence in existing literature in superiority of outcomes between total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) and hemiarthroplasty (HA).
New Technology May Help Stop Surgical Implant Infections
Experimental technology could transform the surface of implants so bacteria won’t grow and cause infections in procedures such as knee and hip replacements
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Help with sports injuries
Young athletes get plenty of bumps and bruises, but how can they avoid injuries? Any advice on how long they should sit out before getting back on the field or in the game?