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Harris GJ, Codori AM, Lewis RF, Schmidt E, Bedi A, Brandt J.: Reduced basa ganglia blood flow andvolume in pre-symptomatic, gene-tested person at-risk for Huntington's disease Brain Sept 1999: 1667- 78, 09/1999.
Henke PK, Proctor MC, Zajkowski PJ, Bedi A, Upchurch GR, Wakefield TW, Jacobs LA, Greenfield LJ,Stanley JC: Tissue loss, early primary graft occlusion, female gender, and a prohibitive failure rate of secondary infrainguinal arterial J. Vasc. Surg. 35(5): 902-908, 05/2002. PM12021705
Eagleton MJ, Henke PK, Luke CE, Hawley AE, Bedi A, Knipp BS, Wakefield TW, Greenfield LJ: SouthernAssociation for Vascular Surgery William J. von Leibig Award. Inflammation and intimal hyperplasia associated with experimental pulmonary J. Vasc. Surg. 36(3): 581-588, 09/2002. PM12218985
Ailawadi G, Yahanda A, Dimick JB, Bedi A, Mulholland MW, Colletti L, Sweeney JF: Hand-assistedlaparoscopic splenectomy in patients with splenomegaly or prior upper abdominal operation Surgery 132 (4): 689-696, 10/2002. PM12407354
Ailawadi G, Bedi A, Williams DM, Stanley JC, Upchurch GR: Endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysmsin patients with renal transplants. Vasc. Surg. 37(3): 693-696, 03/2003. PM12618715
Bedi A, Toan Le T: Subtrochanteric femur fractures. Orthop. Clin. North Am. 35(4 SPEC. ISS.): 473-483,10/2004. PM15363922
Karunakar MA, Goulet JA, Mueller KL, Bedi A, Le TT: Operative treatment of unstable pediatric pelvisand acetabular J Pediatr Orthop 25(1): 34-38, 01/2005. PM15614056
Bedi A, Miller B, Jebson PJ: Combined glenohumeral arthrodesis and above-elbow amputation for theflail limb following a complete posttraumatic brachial plexus injury. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg 9(2): 113- 119, 06/2005. PM16201253
Martus JE, Bedi A, Jebson PJL.: Cannulated variable pitch compression screw fixation of scaphoidfractures using a limited dorsal approach. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg 9(4): 202-206, 12/2005. PM16340581
Bedi A, Le TT, Karunakar MA: Surgical treatment of nonarticular distal tibia fractures. J Am Acad OrthopSurg 14(7): 406-416, 07/2006. PM16822888
Bedi A, Jebson PJL, Hayden RJ, Jacobson JA, Martus JE: Internal fixation of acute, nondisplacedscaphoid waist fractures via a limited dorsal approach: an assessment of radiographic and functional J Hand Surg Am 32(3): 326-333, 03/2007. PM17336838
Vallier HA, Le TT, Bedi A.: Radiographic and clinical comparisons of distal tibia shaft fractures (4 to 11cm proximal to the plafond): plating versus intramedullary J Orthop Trauma 22(5): 307-311, 05/2008. PM18448983
Bedi A, Srinivasan RC, Blakemore LC, Graziano GP: L2 chordoma in an 11-year-old girl. Am J. Orthop.37(7): E121-125, 07/2008. PM18795189
Bedi A, Chen N, Robertson W, Kelly BT: The management of labral tears and femoroacetabularimpingement of the hip in the young, active patient. Arthroscopy 24(10): 1135-1145, 10/2008. PM19028166
Bedi A, Allen AA: Superior labral lesions anterior to posterior-evaluation and arthroscopic management.Clin Sports Med 27(4): 607-630, 10/2008. PM19064147
Bedi A, Ryu RK: The treatment of primary anterior shoulder dislocations. Instr Course Lect 58: 293-304,01/2009. PM19385543
Bedi A, Kawamura S, Ying L, Rodeo SA: Differences in Tendon Graft Healing Between the Intra-articularand Extra-articular Ends of a Bone HSS J 5(1): 51-57, 02/2009. PM19052716
Bedi A, Haidukewych GJ: Management of the posttraumatic arthritic knee. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 17(2):88-101, 02/2009. PM19202122
Bedi A, Rodeo SA: Os acromiale as a cause for shoulder pain in a competitive swimmer: a case report.Sports Health 1(2): 121-4, 03/2009. PM23015862
Bedi A, Karunakar MA, Caron T, Sanders RW, Haidukewych GJ: Accuracy of reduction of ipsilateralfemoral neck and shaft fractures--an analysis of various internal fixation strategies. J Orthop Trauma 23 (4): 249-253, 04/2009. PM19318867
Bedi A, Altchek DW: The "footprint" anterior cruciate ligament technique: an anatomic approach toanterior cruciate ligament Arthroscopy 25(10): 1128-1138, 10/2009. PM19801292
Fox SAJ, Bedi A, Rodeo SA: The basic science of articular cartilage: structure, composition, and function.Sports Health 1(6): 461-8, 11/2009. PM23015907
Stasiak M, Imhauser C, Packer J, Bedi A, Brophy R, Kovacevic D, Jackson K, Deng XH, Rodeo S, TorzilliP: A Novel In Vivo Joint Loading System to Investigate the Effect of Daily Mechanical Load on a Healing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of medical devices 4(1): 15003, 01/2010. PM20490267
Bedi A, Foo LF, Williams RJ 3rd, Potter HG, Cartilage Study Group: The Maturation of SyntheticScaffolds for Osteochondral Donor Sites of the Knee: An MRI and T2-Mapping Analysis. Cartilage 1(1): 20-8, 01/2010. PM26069533
Bedi A, Fox AJ, Kovacevic D, Deng XH, Warren RF, Rodeo SA: Doxycycline-mediated inhibition of matrixmetalloproteinases improves healing after rotator cuff repair. Am J Sports Med 38(2): 308-317, 02/2010. PM19826139
Dines JS, Bedi A, ElAttrache NS, Dines DM: Single-row versus double-row rotator cuff repair: techniquesand J Am Acad Orthop Surg 18(2): 83-93, 02/2010. PM20118325
Dodson CC, Bedi A, Sahai A, Potter HG, Cordasco FA: Complete rotator cuff tendon avulsion andglenohumeral joint incarceration in a young patient: a case report. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 19(2): e9-e12, 03/2010. PM19963404
Bedi A, Dodson C, Altchek DW: Symptomatic SLAP tear and paralabral cyst in a pediatric athlete: a case J Bone Joint Surg Am 92(3): 721-725, 03/2010. PM20194332
Bedi A, Raphael B, Maderazo A, Pavlov H, Williams RJ: Transtibial versus anteromedial portal drilling foranterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a cadaveric study of femoral tunnel length and obliquity. Arthroscopy 26(3): 342-350, 03/2010. PM20206044
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Hettrich C, Gulotta LV, Ehteshami JR, Warren RF, Rodeo SA: The effect of matrixmetalloproteinase inhibition on tendon-to-bone healing in a rotator cuff repair model. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 19(3): 384-391, 04/2010. PM19800260
Bedi A, Feeley BT, Williams RJ: Management of articular cartilage defects of the knee. J Bone Joint SurgAm 92(4): 994-1009, 04/2010. PM20360528
Bedi A, Kelly NH, Baad M, Fox AJ, Brophy RH, Warren RF, Maher SA: Dynamic contact mechanics ofthe medial meniscus as a function of radial tear, repair, and partial meniscectomy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92(6): 1398-1408, 06/2010. PM20516315
Musahl V, Citak M, O'Loughlin PF, Choi D, Bedi A, Pearle AD: The effect of medial versus lateralmeniscectomy on the stability of the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee. Am J Sports Med 38(8): 1591-1597, 08/2010. PM20530720
Bedi A, Dines J, Warren RF, Dines DM: Massive tears of the rotator cuff. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92(9):1894-1908, 08/2010. PM20686065
Bedi A, Musahl V, Lane C, Citak M, Warren RF, Pearle AD: Lateral compartment translation predicts thegrade of pivot shift: a cadaveric and clinical analysis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 18(9): 1269- 1276, 09/2010. PM20480356
Bedi A, Musahl V, O'Loughlin P, Maak T, Citak M, Dixon P, Pearle AD: A comparison of the effect ofcentral anatomical single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on pivot-shift kinematics. Am J Sports Med 38(9): 1788-94, 09/2010. PM20566720/20566720
Bedi A, Ryu RK: Revision arthroscopic Bankart repair. Sports Med Arthrosc 18(3): 130-139, 09/2010.PM20711044
Bedi A, Fox AJ, Harris PE, Deng XH, Ying L, Warren RF, Rodeo SA: Diabetes mellitus impairs tendon-bone healing after rotator cuff J Shoulder Elbow Surg 19(7): 978-988, 10/2010. PM20303293
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Fox AJ, Imhauser CW, Stasiak M, Packer J, Brophy RH, Deng XH, Rodeo SA:Effect of early and delayed mechanical loading on tendon-to-bone healing after anterior cruciate ligament J Bone Joint Surg Am 92(14): 2387-2401, 10/2010. PM20962189
Bedi A, Dines J, Dines DM, Kelly BT, O'Brien SJ, Altchek DW, Allen AA: Use of the 70° arthroscope forimproved visualization with common arthroscopic Arthroscopy 26(12): 1684-1696+e227, 12/2010. PM20855180
Bedi A, Dolan M, Leunig M, Kelly BT: Static and dynamic mechanical causes of hip pain. Arthroscopy 27(2): 235-251, 02/2011. PM21035993
Musahl V, Bedi A, Citak M, O'Loughlin P, Choi D, Pearle AD: Effect of single-bundle and double-bundleanterior cruciate ligament reconstructions on pivot-shift kinematics in anterior cruciate ligament- and meniscus-deficient Am J Sports Med 39(2): 289-295, 02/2011. PM21139156
Bedi A, Maak T, Musahl V, Citak M, O'Loughlin PF, Choi D, Pearle AD: Effect of tibial tunnel position onstability of the knee after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: is the tibial tunnel position most important? Am J Sports Med 39(2): 366-373, 02/2011. PM21173195
Brophy RH, Kovacevic D, Imhauser CW, Stasiak M, Bedi A, Fox AJ, Deng XH, Rodeo SA: Effect of short-duration low-magnitude cyclic loading versus immobilization on tendon-bone healing after ACL reconstruction in a rat J Bone Joint Surg Am 93(4): 381-393, 02/2011. PM21325590
Chen NC, Bedi A.: Rotator cuff defect: acute or chronic? The Journal of hand surgery 36(3): 513-5; quiz515, 03/2011. PM21277698
Dolan MM, Heyworth BE, Bedi A, Duke G, Kelly BT: Ct Reveals a High Incidence of OsseousAbnormalities in Hips with Labral Tears Clin Orthop Relat Res March 2011: 469(3), 03/2011. PMC3032877
Bedi A, Musahl V, Steuber V, Kendoff D, Choi D, Allen AA, Pearle AD, Altchek DW: Transtibial versusanteromedial portal reaming in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: an anatomic and biomechanical evaluation of surgical technique. Arthroscopy 27(3): 380-390+e41, 03/2011. PM21035990
Dolan MM, HeyworthBE, BediA, Duke G, Kelly BT: CT reveals a high incidence of osseous abnormalities in hips with labral Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 469(3): 831-838, 03/2011. PM20886325
Osbahr DC, Cross MB, Bedi A, Nguyen JT, Allen AA, Altchek DW, Dines JS: Orthopaedic in-trainingexamination: an analysis of the sports medicine section. Am J Sports Med 39(3): 532-537, 03/2011. PM21193591
Kovacevic D, Fox AJ, Bedi A, Ying L, Deng XH, Warren RF, Rodeo SA: Calcium-Phosphate Matrix Withor Without TGF-{beta}3 Improves Tendon-Bone Healing After Rotator Cuff Repair. Am J Sports Med 39 (4): 811-819, 04/2011. PM21406666
Maak TG, Bedi A, Raphael BS, Citak M, Suero EM, Wickiewicz T, Pearle AD: Effect of femoral socketposition on graft impingement after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 39(5): 1018-1023, 05/2011. PM21335349
Ayeni OR, Bedi A, Lorich DG, Kelly BT: Femoral neck fracture after arthroscopic management offemoroacetabular impingement: a case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am 93(9): e47.1-e47.8, 05/2011. PM21543668
Fox AJ, Bedi A, Deng XH, Ying L, Harris PE, Warren RF, Rodeo SA: Diabetes mellitus alters themechanical properties of the native tendon in an experimental rat model. J. Orthop. Res. 29(6): 880-885, 06/2011. PM21246619
Wallace M, Bedi A, Lesniak BP, Farrow LD, Ajibade D, Israel HA, Kaar SG: What effect does anteriorcruciate ligament tibial guide orientation have on tibial tunnel length? Arthroscopy 27(6): 803-808, 06/2011. PM21624674
Bedi A, Zaltz I, De La Torre K, Kelly BT: Radiographic comparison of surgical hip dislocation and hiparthroscopy for treatment of cam deformity in femoroacetabular impingement. Am J Sports Med 39 Suppl: 20S-8S, 07/2011. PM21709028
Bedi A, Dolan M, Hetsroni I, Magennis E, Lipman J, Buly R, Kelly BT: Surgical treatment offemoroacetabular impingement improves hip kinematics: a computer-assisted model. Am J Sports Med 39 Suppl: 43S-9S, 07/2011. PM21709031
Jacobson JA, Miller B, Bedi A, Morag Y: Imaging of the postoperative shoulder. Semin MusculoskeletRadiol 15(4): 320-339, 09/2011. PM21928157
Iriuchishima T, Fu FH, Maak TG, Bedi A, Pearle AD: ACL Graft Impingement: Letter to the Editor. Am JSports Med 39(10): NP3-4, 10/2011. PM22003212
Bedi A, Maak T, Musahl V, O'Loughlin P, Choi D, Citak M, Pearle AD: Effect of tunnel position and graftsize in single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: an evaluation of time-zero knee stability. Arthroscopy 27(11): 1543-1551, 11/2011. PM21705174
Bowers AL, Bedi A, Lipman JD, Potter HG, Rodeo SA, Pearle AD, Warren RF, Altchek DW: Comparisonof anterior cruciate ligament tunnel position and graft obliquity with transtibial and anteromedial portal femoral tunnel reaming techniques using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. Arthroscopy 27 (11): 1511-1522, 11/2011. PM21963097
Bedi A, Galano G, Walsh C, Kelly BT: Capsular management during hip arthroscopy: fromfemoroacetabular impingement to Arthroscopy 27(12): 1720-1731, 12/2011. PM22047925
Morag Y,Jamadar DA, Boon TA, BediA, Caoili EM, Jacobson JA: Ultrasound of the rotator cable: prevalence and morphology in asymptomatic AJR Am J Roentgenol 198(1): W27-W30, 01/2012. PM22194511
Morag Y,Jamadar DA, Boon TA, BediA, Caoili EM, Jacobson JA: Ultrasound of the rotator cable: prevalence and morphology in asymptomatic shoulders Am J Roetgenol Jan 2012: 198(01), 01/2012. 22194511
Grant JA, Tannenbaum E, Miller BS, Bedi A: Treatment of combined complete tears of the anteriorcruciate and medial collateral Arthroscopy 28(1): 110-122, 01/2012. PM22119290
Davis ME, Stafford PL, Bradley JR, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Improvement in the Contractility and MuscleStem Cell Density of the Rotator Cuff Following Surgical Repair: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect 2 (4): e75, 01/2012. PM29252371
Knesek M, Walsh CP, Sabb B, Bedi A: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnosis of Rib Fracture in aCompetitive Collegiate Rower: A Case JBJS Case Connect 2(4): e56, 01/2012. PM29252352
Bedi A, Maak T, Walsh C, Rodeo SA, Grande D, Dines DM, Dines JS: Cytokines in rotator cuffdegeneration and J Shoulder Elbow Surg 21(2): 218-227, 02/2012. PM22244065
Bedi A, Dolan M, Magennis E, Lipman J, Buly R, Kelly BT: Computer-assisted modeling of osseousimpingement and resection in femoroacetabular impingement. Arthroscopy 28(2): 204-210, 02/2012. PM22244100
Grant JA, Wilde J, Miller BS, Bedi A: Comparison of inside-out and all-inside techniques for the repair ofisolated meniscal tears: a systematic Am J Sports Med 40(2): 459-468, 02/2012. PM21737837
Osbahr DC, Cross MB, Taylor SA, Bedi A, Dines DM, Dines JS: An analysis of the shoulder and elbowsection of the orthopedic in-training Am J. Orthop. 41(2): 63-68, 02/2012. PM22482089
Bedi A, Kelly N, Baad M, Fox AJ, Ma Y, Warren RF, Maher SA: Dynamic contact mechanics of radialtears of the lateral meniscus: implications for treatment. Arthroscopy 28(3): 372-381, 03/2012. PM22074620
Tanaka M, Vyas D, Moloney G, Bedi A, Pearle AD, Musahl V: What does it take to have a high-gradepivot shift? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 20(4): 737-742, 04/2012. PM22222616
Bedi A, Zbeda RM, Bueno VF, Downie B, Dolan M, Kelly BT: The incidence of heterotopic ossificationafter hip Am J Sports Med 40(4): 854-863, 04/2012. PM22268230
Berkes MB, Cross MB, Shindle MK, Bedi A, Kelly BT: Traumatic posterior hip instability andfemoroacetabular impingement in Am J. Orthop. 41(4): 166-71, 04/2012. PM22530218
Fox AJ, Bedi A, Wanivenhaus F, Sculco TP, Fox JS: Femoral neuropathy following total hip arthroplasty:review and management guidelines. Acta Orthop Belg 78(2): 145-151, 04/2012. PM22696981
Hettrich CM, Beamer BS, Bedi A, Deland K, Deng XH, Ying L, Lane J, Rodeo SA: The effect of rhPTH onthe healing of tendon to bone in a rat model. Orthop. Res. 30(5): 769-774, 05/2012. PM22068696
Morag Y, Bedi A, Jamadar DA: The rotator interval and long head biceps tendon: anatomy, function,pathology, and magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 20(2): 229-259, 05/2012. PM22469402
Kelly BT, Bedi A, Robertson CM, Dela Torre K, Giveans MR, Larson CM: Alterations in internal rotationand alpha angles are associated with arthroscopic cam decompression in the hip. Am J Sports Med 40 (5): 1107-1112, 05/2012. PM22392560
Cross MB, Musahl V, Bedi A, O'Loughlin P, Hammoud S, Suero E, Pearle AD: Anteromedial versuscentral single-bundle graft position: which anatomic graft position to choose? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 20(7): 1276-1281, 07/2012. PM22057352
Fabricant PD, Bedi A, De La Torre K, Kelly BT: Clinical outcomes after arthroscopic psoas lengthening:the effect of femoral Arthroscopy 28(7): 965-971, 07/2012. PM22305298
Fox AJ, Bedi A, Rodeo SA: The basic science of human knee menisci: structure, composition, and Sports Health 4(4): 340-51, 07/2012. PM23016106
Smith MV, Bedi A, Chen NC: Surgical treatment for osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum. Sportshealth 4(5): 425-32, 09/2012. PM23016116
Magerkurth O, Jacobson JA, Girish G, Brigido MK, Bedi A, Fessell D: Paralabral cysts in the hip joint:findings at MR arthrography. Skeletal 41(10): 1279-1285, 09/2012. PM22434590
Jacobson JA, Bedi A, Sekiya JK, Blankenbaker DG: Evaluation of the painful athletic hip: imaging optionsand imaging-guided AJR Am J Roentgenol 199(3): 516-524, 09/2012. PM22915391
Poultsides LA, Bedi A, Kelly BT: An algorithmic approach to mechanical hip pain. HSS journal : themusculoskeletal journal of Hospital for Special Surgery 8(3): 213-24, 10/2012. PM24082863
Hammoud S, Bedi A, Magennis E, Meyers WC, Kelly BT: High incidence of athletic pubalgia symptoms inprofessional athletes with symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement. Arthroscopy 28(10): 1388-1395, 10/2012. PM22608890
Gumucio JP, Davis ME, Bradley JR, Stafford PL, Schiffman CJ, Lynch EB, Claflin DR, Bedi A, MendiasCL: Rotator cuff tear reduces muscle fiber specific force production and induces macrophage accumulation and autophagy. J. Orthop. Res. 30(12): 1963-1970, 12/2012. PM22696414
Noonan B, Bancroft RW, Dines JS, Bedi A: Heat- and cold-induced injuries in athletes: evaluation and J Am Acad Orthop Surg 20(12): 744-754, 12/2012. PM23203934
BediA, Larson C, Ross : Indications for Hip Arthroscopy Sports Health TBD: TBD, 12/2012.
Coale RM, Hollister SJ, Dines JS, Allen AA, Bedi A: Anatomic considerations of transclavicular-transcoracoid drilling for coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 22(1): 137-144, 01/2013. PM22521389
Bedi A, Kelly BT: Femoroacetabular impingement. J Bone Joint Surg Am 95(1): 82-92, 01/2013.PM23283377
Bedi A, Kelly BT, Khanduja V: Arthroscopic hip preservation surgery: Current concepts and perspective.Bone Joint J 95 B(1): 10-19, 01/2013. PM23307667
Muller B, Bowman KF, Bedi A: ACL graft healing and biologics. Clin Sports Med 32(1): 93-109, 01/2013.PM23177465
Kelly BT, Maak TG, Larson CM, Bedi A, Zaltz I: Sports hip injuries: assessment and management. InstrCourse Lect 62: 515-31, 01/2013. PM23395055
Sheibani-Rad S, Giveans MR, Arnoczky SP, Bedi A: Arthroscopic single-row versus double-row rotatorcuff repair: a meta-analysis of the randomized clinical trials. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 29(2): 343-8, 02/2013. PM23369480
KnesekM, Skendzel JG, Dines JS, Altchek DW, Allen AA, BediA: Diagnosis and management of superior labral anterior posterior tears in throwing athletes. Am J Sports Med 41(2): 444-460, 02/2013. PM23172004
Mehran N, Skendzel JG, Lesniak BP, Bedi A: Contemporary Graft Options in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine 21(1): 10-18, 03/2013.
Bedi A, Srinivasan RC, Salata MJ, Downie B, Jacobson JA, Wojtys EM: Structural and functional analysisof the semitendinosus tendon after harvest for soft tissue reconstructive procedures: a dynamic ultrasonographic Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 21(3): 606-614, 03/2013. PM22476527
Hetaimish BM, Khan M, Crouch S, Simunovic N, Bedi A, Mohtadi N, Bhandari M, Ayeni OR: Consistencyof reported outcomes after arthroscopic management of femoroacetabular impingement. Arthroscopy 29 (4): 780-7, 04/2013. PM23395465
Klingenstein GG, Zbeda RM, Bedi A, Magennis E, Kelly BT: Prevalence and preoperative demographicand radiographic predictors of bilateral femoroacetabular impingement. The American journal of sports medicine 41(4): 762-8, 04/2013. PM23423313
Zaltz I, Kelly BT, Hetsroni I, Bedi A: The Crossover Sign Overestimates Acetabular Retroversion. Clinicalorthopaedics and related research 8: 2463-70, 04/2013. PM23136058/23136058
Foote CJ, Maizlin ZV, Shrouder J, Grant MM, Bedi A, Ayeni OR: The association between avulsions ofthe reflected head of the rectus femoris and labral tears: a retrospective study J Pediatr Orthop 2013 Apr- May: 227-31, 04/2013. 23482256
Gomberawalla MM, Miller BS, Coale RM, Bedi A, Gagnier JJ: Meta-analysis of joint preservation versusarthroplasty for the treatment of displaced 3- and 4-part fractures of the proximal humerus. Injury S0020- 1381(13): 169-1, 05/2013. PM23664063
Nazarian LN, Jacobson JA, Benson CB, Bancroft LW, Bedi A, McShane JM, Miller TT, Parker L, Smith J,Steinbach LS, Teefey SA, Thiele RG, Tuite MJ, Wise JN, Yamaguchi K: Imaging Algorithms for Evaluating Suspected Rotator Cuff Disease: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Consensus Conference Radiology 267(2): 589-595, 05/2013. PM23401583
Grant JA, Bedi A, Kurz J, Bancroft R, Miller BS: Incidence and injury characteristics of medial collateralligament injuries in male collegiate ice hockey Sports health 5(3): 270-2, 05/2013. PM24427401
Lynch TS, Terry MA, Bedi A, Kelly BT: Hip arthroscopic surgery: patient evaluation, current indications,and Am J Sports Med 41(5): 1174-89, 05/2013. PM23449836
Oak N, Mendez-Zfass M, Lesniak BP, Larson CM, Kelly BT, Bedi A: Complications in hip arthroscopy.Sports medicine and arthroscopy review 21(2): 97-105, 06/2013. PM23649157
Grant JA, Miller BS, Jacobson JA, Morag Y, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, MOON Shoulder Group: Intra- andinter-rater reliability of the detection of tears of the supraspinatus central tendon on MRI by shoulder Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ... [et al.] 6: 725-31, 06/2013. PM23158043
Bedi A, Chen T, Santner TJ, El-Amin S, Kelly NH, Warren RF, Maher SA: Changes in dynamic medialtibiofemoral contact mechanics and kinematics after injury of the anterior cruciate ligament: A cadaveric Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine E published ahead of print: 0, 06/2013. PM23804954
Gumucio JP, Korn MA, Saripalli AL, Flood MD, Phan AC, Roche SM, Lynch EB, Claflin Dr,Bedi A, Mendias CL. 2013 Jun 19. pii: S1058-2746(13)00201-2.: Aging-associated exacerbation in fatty degeneration and infiltration after rotator cuff J Shoulder Elbow Surg S1058-2745(13): 00201-2, 06/2013. PM23790676
Tannenbaum E, Kopydlowski N, Smith M, Bedi A, Sekiya JK: Gender and Racial Differences in Focaland Global Acetabular Version. The Journal of arthroplasty E published ahead of print: 0, 06/2013. PM23786986
Kibler WB, O'Driscoll S, Bedi A: Dynamic Labral Shear Test in Diagnosis of SLAP Lesions: Letter to the The American journal of sports medicine 41(7): NP36-7, 07/2013. PM23818441
Yablon CM, Bedi A, Morag Y, Jacobson JA: Ultrasonography of the shoulder with arthroscopic Clinics in sports medicine 32(3): 391-408, 07/2013. PM23773874
Bedi A, Thompson M, Uliana C, Magennis E, Kelly BT: Assessment of range of motion and contact zoneswith commonly performed physical exam maneuvers for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI): what do these tests mean? Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy Epub ahead of print: 0, 07/2013. PM23813171
BediA: Authors' The American journal of sports medicine 41(7): NP37, 07/2013. PM23977677
Hetsroni I, Poultsides L, Bedi A, Larson CM, Kelly BT: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Morphology CorrelatesWith Hip Range of Motion: A Classification System and Dynamic Model. Clinical orthopaedics and relatedresearch471(8): 2497-503, 08/2013. PM23412732
Milone MT, Bedi A, Poultsides L, Magennis E, Byrd JW, Larson CM, Kelly BT: Novel CT-based Three-dimensional Software Improves the Characterization of Cam Morphology. Clinical orthopaedics andrelatedresearch 8: 471-8, 08/2013. PM23361933
Mendias CL, Lynch EB, Davis ME, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Harning JA, Dewolf PD, Makki TA, Bedi A:Changes in Circulating Biomarkers of Muscle Atrophy, Inflammation, and Cartilage Turnover in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Rehabilitation The American journal of sports medicine 41(8): 1819-26, 08/2013. PM23739685
Bedi A, Lynch EB, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Davis ME, DeWolf PD, Makki TA, Kelly BT, Larson CM,Henning PT, Mendias CL: Elevation in Circulating Biomarkers of Cartilage Damage and Inflammation in Athletes with Femoroacetabular Impingement Am J Sports Med 41(11): 2585-90, 08/2013. 23959964
MagerkurthO, Jacobson JA, Jax F, Morag Y, Fessell D, Lee SJ, BediA, Sekiya JK: Femoroacetabular Cam-type Impingement: Global Assessment of the Femoral Head-Neck Junction on a Single Reformatted MR Radiology 268(3): 822-30, 09/2013. PM23657889
Davis ME, Gumucio JP, Sugg KB, Bedi A, Mendias CL: MMP inhibition as a potential method to augmentthe healing of skeletal muscle and tendon extracellular matrix. Journal of applied Physiology 115(6): 884- 91, 09/2013. PM23640595
Weber AE, Jacobson JA, Bedi A: A Review of Imaging Modalities for the Hip Curr Rev MusculoskeletMed 6(3): 226-234, 09/2013. 23784063
SkendzelJG, Weber AE, Ross JR, Larson CM, Leunig M, Kelly BT, BediA: The Approach to the Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in the Young Patient: AAOS Exhibit Selection J Bone Joint Surg AM 95(18): 1331-16, 09/2013. 24048564
Hapa O, Bedi A, Gursan O, Akar MS, Güvencer M, HavitçioÄŸlu H, Larson CM: Anatomic footprint of thedirect head of the rectus femoris origin: cadaveric study and clinical series of hips after arthroscopic anterior inferior iliac spine/subspine decompression. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 29(12): 1932-40, 12/2013. PM24140143
Li X, Ma R, Bedi A, Dines DM, Altchek DW, Dines JS: Management of acromioclavicular joint injuries.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 96(1): 73-84, 01/2014. PM24382728
Gomberawalla MM, Kelly BT, Bedi A: Interventions for hip pain in the maturing athlete: the role of hiparthroscopy? Sports health 6(1): 70-7, 01/2014. PM24427445
Nossov S, Dines JS, Murrell GA, Rodeo SA, Bedi A: Biologic Augmentation of Tendon-to-Bone Healing:Scaffolds, Mechanical Load, Vitamin D, and Diabetes. Instructional course lectures 63: 451-62, 01/2014. PM24720330
Deneweth JM, Pomeroy SM, Russell JR, McLean SG, Zernicke RF, Bedi A, Goulet GC: Position-SpecificHip and Knee Kinematics in NCAA Football Orthop J Sports Med 2(6): 2325967114534591, 01/2014. PM26535334/PMC4555604
Gumucio J, Flood M, Harning J, Phan A, Roche S, Lynch E, Bedi A, Mendias C: T lymphocytes are notrequired for the development of fatty degeneration after rotator cuff Bone Joint Res 3(9): 262-72, 01/2014. PM25185444/PMC4220170
Noonan B, Hollister SJ, Sekiya JK, Bedi A: Comparison of reconstructive procedures for glenoid boneloss associated with recurrent anterior shoulder instability J Shoulder Elbow Surg pii: S1058-2746(13) 00571-5, 02/2014. PM24561175
Lesniak BP, Loveland D, Jose J, Selley R, Jacobson JA, Bedi A: Use of ultrasonography as a diagnosticand therapeutic tool in sports medicine. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 30(2): 260-70, 02/2014. PM24485118
Hammoud S, Bedi A, Voos J, Mauro C, Kelly BT: The Recognition and Evaluation of Patterns ofCompensatory Injury in Patients with Mechanical Hip Pain Sports Health 6(2): 108-18, 03/2014. 24587859
BediA: The hip bone is connected to the thigh bone! Sports health 6(2): 107, 03/2014. PM24587858
Nawabi DH, Bedi A, Tibor LM, Magennis E, Kelly BT: The Demographic Characteristics of High-Leveland Recreational Athletes Undergoing Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Sports- Specific Analysis. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 30(3): 398-405, 03/2014. PM24581263
Hammoud S, Bedi A, Voos JE, Mauro CS, Kelly BT: The recognition and evaluation of patterns ofcompensatory injury in patients with mechanical hip pain. Sports health 6(2): 108-18, 03/2014. PM24587859
Lavagnino M, Bedi A, Walsh CP, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Sheibani-Rad S, Arnoczky SP: TendonContraction After Cyclic Elongation Is an Age-Dependent Phenomenon: In Vitro and In Vivo Am J Sports Med [Epub ahead of print]: 0, 03/2014. PM24668873
Ayeni O, Chu R, Hetaimish B, Nur L, Simunovic N, Farrokhyar F, Bedi A, Bhandari M: A painful squat testprovides limited diagnostic utility in CAM-type femoroacetabular impingement Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 4: 806-11, 04/2014. PM24067989
Ross JR, Bedi A, Stone RM, Sibilsky Enselman E, Leunig M, Kelly BT, Larson CM: IntraoperativeFluoroscopic Imaging to Treat Cam Deformities: Correlation With 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography. The American journal of sports medicine E pub ahead of printing: 00, 04/2014. PM24737661
Mathew G, Kowalczuk M, Hetaimish B, Bedi A, Philippon MJ, Bhandari M, Simunovic N, Crouch S, AyeniOR,: Radiographic prevalence of CAM-type femoroacetabular impingement after open reduction and internal fixation of femoral neck fractures Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 22(4): 793-800, 04/2014. PM24488220
Ayeni O, Kowalczuk M, Farag J, Farrokhyar, Chu R, Bedi A, Willits K, Bhandari M: Trends in ReportingOf Mechanisms and Incidence of Hip Injuries In Males Playing Minor Ice Hockey in Canada, a Cross- sectional Study Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:5 1–7 5: 1-7, 05/2014. 24966705
Packer JD,BediA, Fox AJ, Gasinu S, Imhauser CW, Stasiak M, Deng XH, Rodeo SA: Effect of Immediate and Delayed High-Strain Loading on Tendon-to-Bone Healing After Anterior Cruciate Ligament The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 96(9): 770-7, 05/2014. PM24806014
Larson CM, Giveans MR, Samuelson KM, Stone RM, Bedi A: Arthroscopic Hip Revision Surgery forResidual Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI): Surgical Outcomes Compared With a Matched Cohort After Primary Arthroscopic FAI The American journal of sports medicine 42(8): 1785-1790, 05/2014. PM24875469/24875469
Ross JR, Nepple JJ, Philippon MJ, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: Effect of Changes in Pelvic Tilt onRange of Motion to Impingement and Radiographic Parameters of Acetabular Morphologic The American journal of sports medicine 10(42): 2402-9, 07/2014. PM25060073/25060073
Alradwan H, Khan M, Hamel-Smith Grassby M, Bedi A, Philippon MJ, Ayeni OR: Gait and LowerExtremity Kinematic Analysis as an Outcome Measure After Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 0: Epub ahead of print, 08/2014. PM25129866
Bedi A, Warren RF, Wojtys EM, Oh YK, Ashton-Miller JA, Oltean H, Kelly BT: Restriction in hip internalrotation is associated with an increased risk of ACL injury. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA 0: Epub ahead of print, 09/2014. PM25209211/25209211
Davis ME, Korn MA, Gumucio JP, Harning JA, Saripalli AL, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Simvastatin reducesfibrosis and protects against muscle weakness after massive rotator cuff tear. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ... [et al.] 0: Epub ahead of print, 09/2014. PM25213828/25213828
Gebhart JJ, Streit JJ, Bedi A, Bush-Joseph CA, Nho SJ, Salata MJ: Correlation of Pelvic Incidence WithCam and Pincer Lesions. The American journal of sports medicine 11(42): 2649-53, 09/2014. PM25201443/25201443
Kopydlowski NJ, Tannenbaum EP, Bedi A, Smith MV, Sekiya JK: An increase in cranial acetabularversion with age: implications for femoroacetabular impingement. The Journal of arthroplasty 29(9): 1741- 4, 09/2014. PM24851791
de Sa D, Cargnelli S, Catapano M, Bedi A, Simunovic N, Burrow S, Ayeni OR: FemoroacetabularImpingement in Skeletally Immature Patients: A Systematic Review Examining Indications, Outcomes, and Complications of Open and Arthroscopic Treatment. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 0: e-pub, 09/2014. PM25262968
Khan M, Evaniew N, Bedi A, Ayeni OR, Bhandari M: Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative tears of themeniscus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne 14(186): 1057-64, 10/2014. PM25157057/25157057
Cannon WD, Garrett WE Jr, Hunter RE, Sweeney HJ, Eckhoff DG, Nicandri GT, Hutchinson MR, JohnsonDD, Bisson LJ, Bedi A, Hill JA, Koh JL, Reinig KD: Improving Residency Training in Arthroscopic Knee Surgery with Use of a Virtual-Reality Simulator: A Randomized Blinded Study. The Journal of bone and joint American volume 96(21): 1798-1806, 11/2014. PM25378507
Larson CM, Moreau-Gaudry A, Kelly BT, Thomas Byrd JW, Tonetti J, Lavallee S, Chabanas L, Barrier G,Bedi A: Are Normal Hips Being Labeled as Pathologic? A CT-based Method for Defining Normal Acetabular Coverage. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 473(4): 1247-54, 11/2014. PM25407391/25407391
Wilde J, Bedi A, Altchek DW: Revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Sports health 6(6): 504-18, 11/2014. PM25364483
Beaulieu ML, Oh YK, Bedi A, Ashton-Miller JA, Wojtys EM: Does Limited Internal Femoral RotationIncrease Peak Anterior Cruciate Ligament Strain During a Simulated Pivot Landing? The American journal of Sports Medicine 12(42): 295-63, 12/2014. PM25245132/25245132
Oak NR, Gumucio JP, Flood MD, Saripalli AL, Davis ME, Harning JA, Lynch EB, Roche SM, Bedi A,Mendias CL: Inhibition of 5-LOX, COX-1, and COX-2 Increases Tendon Healing and Reduces Muscle Fibrosis and Lipid Accumulation After Rotator Cuff Repair. The American journal of Sports Medicine 12 (42): 2860-8, 12/2014. PM25245131/25245131
Ross JR, Larson CM, Adeoyo O, Kelly BT, Bedi A: Residual Deformity Is the Most Common Reason forRevision Hip Arthroscopy: A Three-dimensional CT Study. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 473(4): 1388-95, 12/2014. PM25475714/25475714
Tannenbaum EP, Ross JR, Bedi A: Pros, cons, and future possibilities for use of computer navigation inhip Sports medicine and arthroscopy review 22(4): e33-41, 12/2014. PM25370881
Mendias CL, Roche SM, Harning JA, Davis ME, Lynch EB, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Jacobson JA, ClaflinDR, Calve S, Bedi A: Reduced muscle fiber force production and disrupted myofibril architecture in patients with chronic rotator cuff tears. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ... [et ] 1: 111-19, 01/2015. PM25193488
Davis ME, Stafford PL, Jergenson MJ, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Muscle Fibers are Injured at the Time ofAcute and Chronic Rotator Cuff Clinical orthopaedics and related research 1(473): 226-32, 01/2015. PM25113269/25113269
Ross JR, Tannenbaum EP, Nepple JJ, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: Functional Acetabular OrientationVaries Between Supine and Standing Radiographs: Implications for Treatment of Femoroacetabular Clinical orthopaedics and related research 0: Epub ahead of print, 01/2015. PM25560956/25560956
Grant JA, Bedi A, Kurz J, Bancroft R, Gagnier JJ, Miller BS: Ability of Preseason Body Composition andPhysical Fitness to Predict the Risk of Injury in Male Collegiate Hockey Players. Sports health 7(1): 45-51, 01/2015. PM25553212
Ayeni OR, Sansone M, de Sa D, Simunovic N, Bedi A, Kelly BT, Farrokhyar F, Karlsson J: Femoro-acetabular impingement clinical research: is a composite outcome the answer? Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy: Official Journal of the ESSKA Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2015. PM25618276
MlynarekRA, Weber AE, Ross JR, BediA: AdvancesinHipImaging:3DCT,MRI,DynamicImaging Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine 23: 166-164, 01/2015.
Mundi R, Bedi A, Chow L, Crouch S, Simunovic N, Sibilsky Enselman E, Ayeni OR: Cartilage Restorationof the Knee: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Level 1 Studies. Am J Sports Med 44(7): 1888- 95, 01/2015. PM26138733
Altman RD, Schemitsch E, Bedi A: Assessment of clinical practice guideline methodology for thetreatment of knee osteoarthritis with intra-articular hyaluronic Semin Arthritis Rheum 45(2): 132-9, 01/2015. PM26142320
Ross JR, Bedi A, Stone RM, Sibilsky Enselman E, Leunig M, Kelly BT, Larson CM: Corrigendum.Intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging to treat cam deformities: correlation with 3-dimensional computed Am J Sports Med 43(8): NP27, 01/2015. PM26232462
Tramer JS, Deneweth JM, Whiteside D, Ross JR, Bedi A, Goulet GC: On-Ice Functional Assessment ofan Elite Ice Hockey Goaltender After Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement. Sports Health 7(6): 542-7, 01/2015. PM26502449/PMC4622373
Kweon C, Gagnier JJ, Robbins CB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS: Surgical Versus NonsurgicalManagement of Rotator Cuff Tears: Predictors of Treatment Allocation. Am J Sports Med 43(10): 2368- 72, 01/2015. PM26268847
Weber AE, Bedi A, Tibor LM, Zaltz I, Larson CM: The Hyperflexible Hip: Managing Hip Pain in theDancer and Gymnast. Sports Health 7(4): 346-58, 01/2015. PM26137181/PMC4481673
Kuhn AW, Ross JR, Bedi A: Three-dimensional Imaging and Computer Navigation in Planning for HipPreservation Sports Med Arthrosc 23(4): e31-8, 01/2015. PM26524559
FIRST Investigators.:A multi-centre randomized controlled trial comparing arthroscopic osteochondroplasty and lavage with arthroscopic lavage alone on patient important outcomes and quality of life in the treatment of young adult (18-50) femoroacetabular impingement. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 16: 64, 01/2015. PM25886958/PMC4387581
Khan M, Bedi A: Cochrane in CORR ®: Platelet-rich Therapies for Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue Injuries(Review) Clin Orthop Relat Res 473(7): 2207-2213, 02/2015. 25709075
Dines JS, Bedi A, Williams PN, Dodson CC, Ellenbecker TS, Altchek DW, Windler G, Dines DM: TennisInjuries: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 23(3): 181-189, 03/2015. PM25667400
Ross JR, Bedi A, Stone RM, Sibilsky-Enselman E, Kelly BT, Larson CM: Characterization ofSymptomatic Hip Impingement in Butterfly Ice Hockey Goalies Arthroscopy 4: 635-42, 04/2015. PM25498869/25498869
KlingS, Karns MR, Gebhart J, Kosmas C, Robbin M, Nho SJ, BediA, Salata MJ: The Effect of Acetabular Rim Recession on Anterior Acetabular Coverage: A Cadaveric Study Using the False-Profile Radiograph The American Journal of Sports Medicine 43(4): 957-64, 04/2015. PM25716225
Fabricant PD, Fields KG, Taylor SA, Magennis E, Bedi A, Kelly BT: The Effect of Femoral and AcetabularVersion on Clinical Outcomes After Arthroscopic Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery. The Journal of bone and joint American volume 97(7): 537-43, 04/2015. PM25834077/25834077
Mlynarek RA, Cowan JB, Larson CM, Kelly BT, Bedi A: AAHKS Symposium, Arthroscopic Approach toFemoroacetabular Impingement The Journal of arthroplasty 30(7): 1096-104, 04/2015. PM25922123/25922123
Ross D, Maerz T, Kurdziel M, Hein J, Doshi S, Bedi A, Anderson K, Baker K: The Effect of Granulocyte-colony Stimulating Factor on Rotator Cuff Healing After Injury and Repair Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 473(5): 1655-64, 05/2015. PM25733010/PMC4385377
Tannenbaum EP,Zhang P, Maratt JD, Gombera MM, Holcombe SA, Wang SC, BediA, Goulet JA: A Computed Tomography Study of Gender Differences in Acetabular Version and Morphology: Implications for Femoroacetabular Impingement. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 31(7): 1247-54, 05/2015. PM25979688/25979688
McGinnis R, Cain SM, Tao S, Whiteside D, Goulet GC, Gardner EC, Bedi A, Perkins N: Accuracy ofFemur Angles Estimated by IMUs during Clinical Procedures used to Diagnose Femoroacetabular IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 62(6): 1503-13, 06/2015. PM25608299
Kahn M, Evaniew N, Bedi A, Ayeni OR, Bhandari M: Arthroscopic Surgery for Degenerative Knee:Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Benefits and Harms BMJ The BMJ doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bm: 06/2015. (In Press)
Whiteside D, Deneweth JM, Bedi A, Zernicke RF, Goulet GC: Femoroacetabular Impingement in Elite IceHockey Goaltenders: Etiological Implications of On-Ice Hip Mechanics. The American journal of sports medicine 43(7): 168997, 07/2015. PM25878118
Magerkurth O, JacobsonJA, Morag Y, Fessell D, BediA, Sekiya JK: Prevalence of the acetabular sublabral sulcus at MR arthrography in patients under 17 years of age: does it exist? 2015 Jul;44(7):953- doi: 10.1007/s00256-015-2145-1. Epub 2015 Apr 18. 44(7): 953-61, 07/2015. PM25895162/25895162
Saroki AJ, Wijdicks C, Philippon MJ, Bedi A: Orthopaedic surgeons' use and knowledge of ionizingradiation during surgical treatment for femoroacetabular impingement. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA 24(12): 3962-3970, 08/2015. PM26249110
Sardana V, Philippon MJ, de Sa D, Bedi A, Ye L, Simunovic N, Ayeni OR: Revision Hip Arthroscopy Indications and Outcomes: A Systematic Arthroscopy 31(00): 2047-55, 10/2015. PM26033461/26033461
Lee P, Tran K, Zhou G, Bedi A, Shelke NB, Yu X, Kumbar SG: Guided differentiation of bone marrowstromal cells on co-cultured cartilage and bone Soft matter 11(38): 7648-55, 10/2015. PM26292727
Altman RD, Bedi A, Karlsson J, Sancheti P, Schemitsch E: Product Differences in Intra-articularHyaluronic Acids for Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Am J Sports Med 0: Epub ahead of print, 11/2015. PM26578719
Garabekyan T, Chadayammuri VP, Pascual-Garrido C, Bedi A, Ohara J, Mei dan O: Passive Hip Rangeof Motion Predicts Femoral Torsion and Acetabular Version J Bone Joint Surg Am 98(2): 127-34, 01/2016. 26791033
Ross JR, Bedi A, Clohisy JC, Gagnier JJ, ANCHOR Study Group, Larson CM: Surgeon Willingness toParticipate in Randomized Controlled Trials for the Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement. Arthroscopy 32(1): 20-4, 01/2016. PM26395410
MacDonald AE, Bedi A, Horner NS, de Sa D, Simunovic N, Philippon MJ, Ayeni OR: Indications andOutcomes for Microfracture as an Adjunct to Hip Arthroscopy for Treatment of Chondral Defects in Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Systematic Arthroscopy 32(1): 190-200, 01/2016. PM26385287
Khan M, Ayeni OR, Madden K, Bedi A, Ranawat A, Kelly BT, Sancheti P, Ejnisman L, Tsiridis E,Bhandari M: Femoroacetabular Impingement: Have We Hit a Global Tipping Point in Diagnosis and Treatment? Results From the InterNational Femoroacetabular Impingement Optimal Care Update Survey (IN FOCUS). Arthroscopy: The journal of arthroscopic & related surgery 32(5): 779-787, 01/2016. PM26775733
Cowan JB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Robbins CB, Gagnier JJ, Miller BS: Evaluation of American Academyof Orthopaedic Surgeons Appropriate Use Criteria for the management of full-thickness rotator cuff tears. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 25(7): 100-6, 01/2016. PM26923307/26923307
Chadayammuri V, Garabekyan T, Bedi A, Pascual-Garrido C, Rhodes J, O'Hara J, Mei-Dan O: PassiveHip Range of Motion Predicts Femoral Torsion and Acetabular Version. J Bone Joint Surg Am 98(2): 127- 34, 01/2016. PM26791033/26791033
Noonan BC, Dines JS, Allen AA, Altchek DW, Bedi A: Biomechanical Evaluation of an Adjustable LoopSuspensory Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Fixation Device: The Value of Retensioning and Knot Arthroscopy 32(10): 2050-2059, 01/2016. PM27157659/27157659
Rosen J, Sancheti P, Fierlinger A, Niazi F, Johal H, Bedi A: Cost-Effectiveness of Different Forms of Intra-Articular Injections for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Adv Ther 33(6): 998-1011, 01/2016. PM27146676/27146676
Weber AE, Nathani A, Dines JS, Allen AA, Shubin-Stein BE, Arendt EA, Bedi A: An Algorithmic Approachto the Management of Recurrent Lateral Patellar J Bone Joint Surg Am 98(5): 417-27, 01/2016. PM26935465
Larson CM, Heikes CS, Ellingson CI, Wulf CA, Giveans MR, Stone RM, Bedi A: Allograft and AutograftTransphyseal Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Skeletally Immature Patients: Outcomes and Arthroscopy 32(5): 860-7, 01/2016. PM26996346
Rosen J, Avram V, Fierlinger A, Niazi F, Sancheti P, Bedi A: Clinicians' Perspectives on the Use of Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Acid as a Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis: A North American, Multidisciplinary Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord 9: 21-7, 01/2016. PM26917981/PMC4762457
Crawford EA, Whiteside D, Deneweth JM, Ross JR, Bedi A, Goulet GC: In Vivo Hip Morphology andKinematics in Elite Baseball Arthroscopy 32(5): 798-805, 01/2016. PM26972629
Khan M, Bedi A, Fu F, Karlsson J, Ayeni OR, Bhandari M: New perspectives on femoroacetabularimpingement syndrome. Nat Rev Rheumatol 12(5): 303-10, 01/2016. PM26963727
Wilde JM, Gumucio JP, Grekin JA, Sarver DC, Noah AC, Ruehlmann DG, Davis ME, Bedi A, MendiasCL: Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling reduces fibrosis and lipid accumulation after rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 25(9): 1501-8, 01/2016. PM27068389/27068389
Bedi A, Musahl V, Cowan JB: Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: An Evidence-Based J Am Acad Orthop Surg 24(5): 277-89, 01/2016. PM27097125
Burrus MT, Cowan JB, Bedi A: Avoiding Failure in Hip Arthroscopy: Complications, Pearls, and Pitfalls.Clin Sports Med 35(3): 487-501, 01/2016. PM27343398
Khan M, Evaniew N, Johal H, Bedi A, Ayeni OR, Bhandari M, Pitta M: Arthroscopic Management of J Am Acad Orthop Surg 24(7): e79-80, 01/2016. PM27314925
Hudgens JL, Sugg KB, Grekin JA, Gumucio JP, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Platelet-Rich Plasma ActivatesProinflammatory Signaling Pathways and Induces Oxidative Stress in Tendon Am J Sports Med 0: Epub ahead of pring, 01/2016. PM27400714
Kirsch JM, Thomas J, Bedi A, Lawton JN: Current Concepts: Osteochondritis Dissecans of theCapitellum and the Role of Osteochondral Autograft Hand (N Y) 11(4): 396-402, 01/2016. PM28149204/PMC5256660
Jacobson JA, Yablon CM, Henning PT, Kazmers IS, Urquhart A, Hallstrom B, Bedi A, Parameswaran A:Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome: Percutaneous Tendon Fenestration Versus Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection for Treatment of Gluteal Tendinosis. J Ultrasound Med 35(11): 2413-2420, 01/2016. PM27663654/27663654
Chadayammuri V, Pascual-Garrido C, Garabekyan T, Kraeutler MJ, Milligan K, Bedi A, Mei-Dan O: Effectof General Anesthesia on Preoperative Hip Range of Motion in Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroscopy. Orthopedics 39(6): e1165-e1169, 01/2016. PM27536950
KayJ, Memon M, de Sa D, Simunovic N, Athwal GS, BediA, Ayeni OR: Level of clinical evidence presented at the open and closed American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons annual meeting over 10 years (2005-2014). BMC Musculoskelet Disord 17(1): 470, 01/2016. PM27842528/PMC5109803
Larson CM, Ross JR, Stone RM, Samuelson KM, Schelling EF, Giveans MR,Bedi A: Arthroscopic Management of Dysplastic Hip Deformities: Predictors of Success and Failures With Comparison to an Arthroscopic FAI Am J Sports Med 016 Feb;44(2):447-53 44(2): 447-53, 02/2016. PM26620299/26620299
Knesek M, Brunfeldt A, Korenczuk C, Jepsen KJ, Robbins CB, Gagnier JJ, Allen AA, Dines JS, Bedi A:Patterns of strain and the determination of the safe arc of motion after subscapularis repair-A biomechanical J Orthop Res 34(3): 518-24, 03/2016. PM26334441
Spencer-Gardner L, Bedi A, Stuart MJ, Larson CM, Kelly BT, Krych AJ: Ischiofemoral impingement andhamstring dysfunction as a potential pain generator after ischial tuberosity apophyseal fracture non-union/malunion. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 25(1): 55-61, 01/2017. PM26429568/26429568
Li X, Veltre DR, Cusano A, Yi P, Sing D, Gagnier JJ, Eichinger JK, Jawa A,Bedi A: Insurance status affects postoperative morbidity and complication rate after shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28190669/28190669
Kirsch JM, Khan M, Bedi A : Does Hip Arthroscopy Have a Role in the Treatment of Developmental HipDysplasia? J Arthroplasty epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28336246/28336246
Crawford EA, Young LJ, Bedi A, Wojtys EM: The Effects of Delays in Diagnosis and SurgicalReconstruction of ACL Tears in Skeletally Immature Individuals on Subsequent Meniscal and Chondral J Pediatr Orthop Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28234731/28234731
Kirsch JM, Thomas JR, Khan M, Townsend WA, Lawton JN, Bedi A: Return to Play After OsteochondralAutograft Transplantation of the Capitellum: A Systematic Arthroscopy Epub ahead of print]: 0, 01/2017. PM28413129/28413129
MaerzT, Fleischer M, Newton MD, Davidson A, Salisbury M, Altman P, Kurdziel MD, Anderson K, BediA, Baker KC: Acute mobilization and migration of bone marrow-derived stem cells following anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Osteoarthritis Cartilage [Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28284998/28284998
Wurtzel CN, Gumucio JP, Grekin JA, Khouri RK Jr, Russell AJ, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Pharmacologicalinhibition of myostatin protects against skeletal muscle atrophy and weakness after anterior cruciate ligament tear. J Orthop Res Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28176368/28176368
Gebhart JJ, Streit JJ, Goodman A, Etscheidt J, Weinberg DS, Bedi A, Nho SJ, Salata MJ: Rotationalalignment of the knee is different in osteological specimens with and without a large cam deformity of the proximal femur. Hip Int Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28165605/28165605
Lynch TS, Bedi A, Larson CM: Athletic Hip Injuries. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 25(4): 269-279, 01/2017.PM28252476
Rebolledo BJ, Dugas JR, Bedi A, Ciccotti MG, Altchek DW, Dines JS: Avoiding Tommy John Surgery AmJ Sports Med Epub ahead of print: 363546517692548, 01/2017. PM28278401/28278401
Wells J, Nepple JJ, Crook K, Ross JR, Bedi A, Schoenecker P, Clohisy JC: Femoral Morphology in theDysplastic Hip: Three-dimensional Characterizations With CT. Clin Orthop Relat Res 475(4): 1045-1054, 01/2017. PM27752989/PMC5339134
Gumucio JP, Flood MD, Bedi A, Kramer HF, Russell AJ, Mendias CL: Inhibition of prolyl 4-hydroxylasedecreases muscle fibrosis following chronic rotator cuff tear. Bone Joint Res 6(1): 57-65, 01/2017. PM28108482/PMC5301902
Rosen J, Sancheti P, Fierlinger A, Niazi F, Johal H, Bedi A: Potential Impact of Biologically DerivedHyaluronic Acid on Quality of Life in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis in the United States. Adv Ther 33 (12): 2200-2210, 01/2017. PM27813018/PMC5126190
Larson CM, Ross JR, Kuhn AW, Fuller D, Rowley DM, Giveans MR, Stone RM, Bedi A: Radiographic HipAnatomy Correlates With Range of Motion and Symptoms in National Hockey League Players. Am J Sports Med Epub ahead of print: 0, 01/2017. PM28298064/28298064
VandenBerg C, Crawford EA, Sibilsky Enselman E, Robbins CB, Wojtys EM, Bedi A: Restricted HipRotation Is Correlated With an Increased Risk for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Arthroscopy 33(2): 317-325, 01/2017. PM27840056/27840056
Mlynarek RA, Lee S, Bedi A: Shoulder Injuries in the Overhead Throwing Athlete. Hand Clin 33(1): 19-34,01/2017. PM27886835/27886835
Nepple JJ, Wells J, Ross JR, Bedi A, Schoenecker PL, Clohisy JC: Three Patterns of AcetabularDeficiency Are Common in Young Adult Patients With Acetabular Dysplasia. Clin Orthop Relat Res 475 (4): 1037-1044, 01/2017. PM27830486/PMC5339139
Kirsch JM, Nathani A, Robbins CB, Gagnier JJ, Bedi A, Miller BS: Is There an Association Between the"Critical Shoulder Angle" and Clinical Outcome After Rotator Cuff Repair? Orthop J Sports Med 5(4): 2325967117702126, 01/2017. PM28451621/PMC5400133
Novakova SS, Mahalingam VD, Florida SE, Mendias CL, Allen A, Arruda EM, Bedi A, Larkin LM: Tissue-Engineered Tendon Constructs for Rotator Cuff Repair in Sheep. J Orthop Res null: null, 01/2017. PM28657154
Larson CM, Bedi A, Dietrich ME, Swaringen JC, Wulf CA, Rowley DM, Giveans MR: GeneralizedHypermobility, Knee Hyperextension, and Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Prospective, Case-Control Study With Mean 6 Years Follow-up. Arthroscopy null: null, 01/2017. PM28599980
Khan M, Evaniew N, Gichuru M, Habib A, Ayeni OR, Bedi A, Walsh M, Devereaux PJ, Bhandari M: TheFragility of Statistically Significant Findings From Randomized Trials in Sports Surgery: A Systematic Am J Sports Med 45(9): 2164-2170, 01/2017. PM27895038
Gagnier JJ, Allen B, Watson S, Robbins CB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS: Do Medical ComorbiditiesAffect Outcomes in Patients With Rotator Cuff Tears? Orthop J Sports Med 5(8): 2325967117723834, 01/2017. PM28856169/PMC5570119
Watson ST, Robbins CB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Gagnier JJ, Miller BS: Comparison of Outcomes 1 YearAfter Rotator Cuff Repair With and Without Concomitant Biceps Surgery. Arthroscopy 33(11): 1928-1936, 01/2017. PM28822640/28822640
Kirsch JM, Bedi A, Horner N, Wiater JM, Pauzenberger L, Koueiter DM, Miller BS, Bhandari M, Khan M:Tranexamic Acid in Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JBJS Rev 5(9): 1-11, 01/2017. PM28902659/28902659
Hartman J, Thornley P, Oreskovich S, Adili A, Bedi A, Khan M: Braking Time Following Total KneeArthroplasty: A Systematic J Arthroplasty 33(1): 284-290, 01/2017. PM28927563/28927563
Kessler KE, Robbins CB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Gagnier JJ, Miller BS: Does Increased Body Mass IndexInfluence Outcomes After Rotator Cuff Repair? Arthroscopy 34(3): 754-761, 01/2017. PM29100770/29100770
Kirsch JM, Khan M, Thornley P, Gichuru M, Freehill MT, Neviaser A, Moravek J, Miller BS,Bedi A: Platform shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 27(4): 756-763, 01/2017. PM29046255/29046255
Nwachukwu BU, Bedi A, Premkumar A, Draovitch P, Kelly BT: Characteristics and Outcomes ofArthroscopic Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery in the National Football League. Am J Sports Med null: 363546517729163, 01/2017. PM28949248
Smietana MJ, Moncada-Larrotiz P, Arruda EM, Bedi A, Larkin LM: Tissue-Engineered Tendon forEnthesis Regeneration in a Rat Rotator Cuff Model. Biores Open Access 6(1): 47-57, 01/2017. PM28736687/PMC5515124
Lee S,Gumucio J, Mendias C, BediA: What is the role of systemic conditions and options for manipulation of bone formation and bone resorption in rotator cuff tendon healing and repair? Tech Shoulder Elb Surg 18(3): 113-120, 01/2017. PM28966557/PMC5615853
Khan M, Khanna V, Adili A, Ayeni OR, Bedi A, Bhandari M: Knee osteoarthritis - when arthroscopy can Pol Arch Intern Med 128(2): 121-125, 01/2018. PM29355845/PMID: 29355845
Gumucio JP, Sugg KB, Enselman ERS, Konja AC, Eckhardt LR, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Anterior cruciateligament tear induces a sustained loss of muscle fiber force production. Muscle Nerve Epub: Epub ahead of print, 01/2018. PM29346717/PMID: 29346717
Kay J, Kirsch JM, Bakshi N, Ekhtiari S, Horner N, Gichuru M, Alolabi B, Khan M, Bedi A: HumeralRetroversion and Capsule Thickening in the Overhead Throwing Athlete: A Systematic Review. Arthroscopy 34(4): 1308-1318, 01/2018. PM29373297/PMID: 29373297
Gagnier JJ, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS: Establishing minimally important differences forthe American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score and the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index in patients with full-thickness rotator cuff J Shoulder Elbow Surg 27(5): 160-166, 01/2018. PM29307675
Kirsch JM, Tyrrell Burrus M, Bedi A: Common Injuries in Professional Football Quarterbacks. Curr RevMusculoskelet Med 11(1): 6-11, 01/2018. PM29362994/PMC5825334
Bedi A: Editorial Commentary: Buckle Up Surgeons: "Safety Belt" Reinforcement of Knee AnteriorCruciate Ligament Reconstruction Arthroscopy 34(2): 500-501, 01/2018. PM29413193
Khan M, Madden K, Burrus MT, Rogowski JP, Stotts J, Samani MJ, Sikka R, Bedi A: Epidemiology andImpact on Performance of Lower Extremity Stress Injuries in Professional Basketball Players. Sports Health 10(2): 169-174, 01/2018. PM29106811
Weber AE, Zuke W, Mayer EN, Forsythe B, Getgood A, Verma NN, Bach BR, Bedi A, Cole BJ: LateralAugmentation Procedures in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Anatomic, Biomechanical, Imaging, and Clinical Am J Sports Med Vol.: 363546517751140, 01/2018. PM29401410
Watson S, Allen B, Robbins C, Bedi A, Gagnier JJ, Miller B: Does the Rotator Cuff Tear Pattern InfluenceClinical Outcomes After Surgical Repair? Orthop J Sports Med 6(3): 2325967118763107, 01/2018. PM29623283/PMC5881998
Gohal C, Shanmugaraj A, Tate P, Horner NS, Bedi A, Adili A, Khan M: Effectiveness of Valgus OffloadingKnee Braces in the Treatment of Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. Sports Health : 1941738118763913, 01/2018. PM29543576
Mather RC 3rd, Nho SJ, Federer A, Demiralp B, Nguyen J, Saavoss A, Salata MJ, Philippon MJ, Bedi A,Larson CM, Byrd JWT, Koenig L: Effects of Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome on Quality of Life and Economic Am J Sports Med 46(5): 1205-1213, 01/2018. PM29533689
Weber AE, Mayer EN, Nathani A, Chen DX, Kelly AM, Rodeo SA, Bedi A: How Variable Are AchillesAllografts Used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction? A Biomechanical Study. Am J Sports Med : 363546518768780, 01/2018. PM29741921
Bakshi NK, Khan M, Lee S, Finney FT, Stotts J, Sikka RS, Bedi A: Return to Play After MultiligamentKnee Injuries in National Football League Athletes. Sports Health Vol.: 1941738118768812, 01/2018. PM29638200
Carter CW, Ireland ML, Johnson AE, Levine WN, Martin S, Bedi A, Matzkin EG: Sex-based Differencesin Common Sports Injuries. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 26(13): 447-454, 01/2018. PM29847420/PMID: 29847420
Smith PA, Piepenbrink M, Smith SK, Bachmaier S, Bedi A, Wijdicks CA: Adjustable- Versus Fixed-LoopDevices for Femoral Fixation in ACL Reconstruction: An In Vitro Full-Construct Biomechanical Study of Surgical Technique-Based Tibial Fixation and Graft Preparation. Orthop J Sports Med 6(4): 2325967118768743, 01/2018. PM29780843/PMC5954336
Bhatia S, Ellman MB, Nho S, Mather RC 3rd, Bedi A, Aoki SK, Larson CM, Kelly B, Griffin DR, O'DonnellJ, Mei-Dan O: Bilateral Hip Arthroscopy: Direct Comparison of Primary Acetabular Labral Repair and Primary Acetabular Labral Arthroscopy 34(6): 1748-1751, 01/2018. PM29804596
Noonan BC, Bachmaier S, Wijdicks CA, Bedi A: Intraoperative Preconditioning of Fixed and AdjustableLoop Suspensory Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With Tibial Screw Fixation-An In Vitro Biomechanical Evaluation Using a Porcine Arthroscopy 34(9): 2668-2674, 01/2018. PM30037573/PMID: 30037573
Bedi A, LaPrade RF, Burrus MT: Radiographic and Anatomic Landmarks of the Major Knee Ligaments. JBone Joint Surg Am 100(14): 1241-1250, 01/2018. PM30020131
Vannabouathong C, Bhandari M, Bedi A, Khanna V, Yung P, Shetty V, Khan M: NonoperativeTreatments for Knee Osteoarthritis: An Evaluation of Treatment Characteristics and the Intra-Articular Placebo Effect: A Systematic JBJS Rev 6(7): 1-11, 01/2018. PM30020117/PMID: 30020117
Bakshi NK, Cibulas GA, Sekiya JK, Bedi A: A Clinical Comparison of Linear- and Surface Area-BasedMethods of Measuring Glenoid Bone Loss. Am J Sports Med Vol.: 363546518783724, 01/2018. PM30010384
Ross JR, Khan M, Noonan BC, Larson CM, Kelly BT, Bedi A: Characterization and Correction ofSymptomatic Hip Impingement in American Football Linemen. HSS J 14(2): 128-133, 01/2018. PM29983653/PMC6031539
Faucett SC, Nepple JJ, Andrade T, Aoki S, Bedi A, Bharam S, Brick MJ, Byrd JWT, Cakic JN, CascioBM, Christoforetti J, Clohisy JC, Domb B, Dumont G, Ellman MB, Harris JD, Kelly BT, Krych AJ, LaPrade RF, Larson C, Laskowski JR, Levy BA, Lynch TS, Martin HD, Mather C 3rd, Miyamoto RG, Nho SJ, O'Donnell JM, Philippon MJ, Price MR, Ranawat AS, Rodriguez MC, Safran MR, Said HG, Salata MJ, Sampson T, Stubbs AJ, Uchida S, Villar RN, Willimon SC, Wolf A, Wong I, Wuerz TH, Yen YM: Randomized Controlled Trial of Hip Arthroscopy Surgery vs Physical Therapy: Letter to the Editor. Am J Sports Med 46(8): NP35-NP38, 01/2018. PM29953289
Ekhtiari S, Horner NS, Bedi A, Ayeni OR, Khan M: The Learning Curve for the Latarjet Procedure: ASystematic Orthop J Sports Med 6(7): 2325967118786930, 01/2018. PM30090836/PMC6077900
Horner NS, Moroz PA, Bhullar R, Habib A, Simunovic N, Wong I, Bedi A, Ayeni OR: Open versusarthroscopic Latarjet procedures for the treatment of shoulder instability: a systematic review of comparative BMC Musculoskelet Disord 19(1): 255, 01/2018. PM30045745/PMC6060556
Patel NK, de Sa D, Zhu S, Bedi A, Lesniak BP: Elbow flexion angle during graft fixation for ulnarcollateral ligament reconstruction: a systematic review of outcomes and complications. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 27(12): 2284-2291, 01/2018. PM30318276
Coughlin RP, Gohal C, Horner NS, Shanmugaraj A, Simunovic N, Cadet ER, Bedi A, Ayeni OR: Returnto Play and In-Game Performance Statistics Among Pitchers After Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction of the Elbow: A Systematic Review. Am J Sports Med 10: 363546518798768, 01/2018. PM30289275
Zhang B, Thayaparan A, Horner N, Bedi A, Alolabi B, Khan M: Outcomes of hyaluronic acid injections forglenohumeral osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 28(3): 596- 606, 01/2018. PM30502030/PMID: 30502030
Naimark M, Robbins CB, Gagnier JJ, Landfair G, Carpenter J, Bedi A, Miller BS: Impact of smoking onpatient outcomes after arthroscopic rotator cuff BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 4(1): e000416, 01/2018. PM30555715/PMC6267295
Safran MR, Bedi A, Byrd JWT, Guanche CA, Ilizaliturri V Jr, Lynch TS, Martin HD, Matsuda DK, McCarthyJC, Philippon MJ, Sampson TG, Suarez-Ahedo C: Incorporating Hip Arthroscopy Into A Practice. Instr Course Lect 67: 453-472, 01/2018. PM31411432
Nicholls M, Shaw P, Niazi F, Bhandari M, Bedi A: The Impact of Excluding Patients with End-Stage KneeDisease in Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Acid Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Adv Ther 36 (1): 147-161, 01/2019. PM30506407/PMC6318255
Ekhtiari S, Adili AF, Memon M, Leroux T, Henry P, Bedi A, Khan M: Sources, Quality, and ReportedOutcomes of Superior Capsular Reconstruction: A Systematic Review. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med Epub: Epub ahead of print, 01/2019. PM30927142/PMID: 30927142
Khan M, Alolabi B, Horner N, Bedi A, Ayeni OR, Bhandari M: Surgery for shoulder impingement: asystematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. CMAJ Open 7(1): E149-E158, 01/2019. PM30846616/PMC6411477
SchubertMF, Noah AC, BediA, Gumucio JP, Mendias CL: Reduced Myogenic and Increased Adipogenic Differentiation Capacity of Rotator Cuff Muscle Stem Cells. J Bone Joint Surg Am 101(3): 228- 238, 01/2019. PM30730482
Bakshi NK, Cibulas GA, Sekiya JK, Bedi A: A Clinical Comparison of Linear- and Surface Area-BasedMethods of Measuring Glenoid Bone Loss: Response. Am J Sports Med 47(4): NP29-NP30, 01/2019. PM30870035
Catapano M, de Sa D, Ekhtiari S, Lin A, Bedi A, Lesniak BP: Arthroscopic Superior CapsularReconstruction for Massive, Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears: A Systematic Review of Modern Literature. Arthroscopy 35(4): 1243-1253, 01/2019. PM30878327
Bakshi NK, Inclan PM, Kirsch JM, Bedi A, Agresta C, Freehill MT: Current Workload Recommendationsin Baseball Pitchers: A Systematic Review. Am J Sports Med Epub: 363546519831010, 01/2019. PM31013139/PMID31013139
EkhtiariS, Khan M, Burrus T, Madden K, Gagnier J, Rogowski JP, Maerz T, BediA: Hip and Groin Injuries in Professional Basketball Players: Impact on Playing Career and Quality of Life After Retirement. Sports Health Epub ahead of print: 1941738119838274, 01/2019. PM31013191/PMID: 31013191
Su AW, Hillen TJ, Eutsler EP, Bedi A, Ross JR, Larson CM, Clohisy JC, Nepple JJ: Low-Dose ComputedTomography Reduces Radiation Exposure by 90% Compared With Traditional Computed Tomography Among Patients Undergoing Hip-Preservation Surgery. Arthroscopy Epub: Epub ahead of print, 01/2019. PM30987906/PMID: 30987906
Larson CM, McGaver RS, Collette NR, Giveans MR, Ross JR, Bedi A, Nepple JJ: Arthroscopic Surgeryfor Femoroacetabular Impingement in Skeletally Immature Athletes: Radiographic and Clinical Arthroscopy 35(6): 1819-1825, 01/2019. PM31072717
Trinh TQ, Naimark MB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Robbins CB, MOON Shoulder Instability Group., Grant JA,Miller BS, Ortiz S, Bollier MJ, Kuhn JE, Cox CL, Ma CB, Feeley BT, Zhang AL, McCarty EC, Bravman JT, Bishop JY, Jones GL, Brophy RH, Wright RW, Smith MV, Marx RG, Baumgarten KM, Wolf BR, Hettrich CM, Miller BS: Clinical Outcomes After Anterior Shoulder Stabilization in Overhead Athletes: An Analysis of the MOON Shoulder Instability Am J Sports Med 47(6): 1404-1410, 01/2019. PM31042440
Bedi A: Editorial Commentary: What Is an Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, andDoes It Matter? There Are Many Ways to Skin a Cat! Arthroscopy 35(6): 1656-1657, 01/2019. PM31159955
Johal H, Khan M, Yung SP, Dhillon MS, Fu FH, Bedi A, Bhandari M: Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma Useon Pain in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports Health 11(4): 355-366, 01/2019. PM31136726
Gil JA, Gunaseelan V, DeFroda SF, Brummett CM, Bedi A, Waljee JF: Risk of Prolonged Opioid UseAmong Opioid-Naïve Patients After Common Shoulder Arthroscopy Procedures. Am J Sports Med 47(5): 1043-1050, 01/2019. PM30735622
Altman R, Bedi A, Manjoo A, Niazi F, Shaw P, Mease P: Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Intra-ArticularHyaluronic Acid: A Systematic Cartilage 10(1): 43-52, 01/2019. PM29429372/PMC6376563
Uy M, Wang J, Horner NS, Bedi A, Leroux T, Alolabi B, Khan M: Cemented humeral stem versus press-fithumeral stem in total shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bone Joint J 101-B (9): 1107-1114, 01/2019. PM31474140
Ramme AJ, Robbins CB, Patel KA, Carpenter JE, Bedi A, Gagnier JJ, Miller BS: Surgical VersusNonsurgical Management of Rotator Cuff Tears: A Matched-Pair Analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 101(19): 1775-1782, 01/2019. PM31577683
Naimark M, Trinh T, Robbins C, Rodoni B, Carpenter J, Bedi A, Miller B: Effect of Muscle Quality onOperative and Nonoperative Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears. Orthop J Sports Med 7(8): 2325967119863010, 01/2019. PM31428659/PMC6683312
Lynch TS, Minkara A, Aoki S, Bedi A, Bharam S, Clohisy J, Harris J, Larson C, Nepple J, Nho S,Philippon M, Rosneck J, Safran M, Stubbs AJ, Westermann R, Byrd JWT: Best Practice Guidelines for Hip Arthroscopy in Femoroacetabular Impingement: Results of a Delphi Process. J Am Acad Orthop Surg: 01/2019. PM31181030
Welsher A, Gohal C, Madden K, Miller B, Bedi A, Alolabi B, Khan M: A comparison of pegged vs. keeledglenoid components regarding functional and radiographic outcomes in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JSES Open Access 3(3): 136-144.e1, 01/2019. PM31709353/PMC6835032
Mendias CL, Bedi A: RE: Talks BJ, Fernquest S, Palmer A, et al. 2019. No evidence of systemicinflammation in symptomatic patients with femoroacetabular impingement. J Orthop Res: 01/2019. PM31343771
de Sa D, Crum RJ, Rabuck S, Ayeni O, Bedi A, Baraga M, Getgood A, Kaar S, Kropf E, Mauro C,Peterson D, Vyas D, Musahl V, Lesniak BP: The REVision Using Imaging to Guide Staging and Evaluation (REVISE) in ACL Reconstruction J Knee Surg: 01/2019. PM31569256
Ramme AJ, Rourke BJ, Larson CM, Bedi A: Ischemic Therapy in Musculoskeletal Medicine. Am J SportsMed 1: 363546520901539, 01/2020. PM32045265
Larson CM, Ross JR, Giveans MR, McGaver RS, Weed KN, Bedi A: The Dancer's Hip: The HyperflexibleAthlete: Anatomy and Mean 3-Year Arthroscopic Clinical Outcomes. Arthroscopy 1: 1, 01/2020. PM31919029
Noonan BC, Bachmaier S, Wijdicks CA, Bedi A: Independent Suture Tape Reinforcement of TripledSmaller-Diameter and Quadrupled Grafts for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With Tibial Screw Fixation: A Biomechanical Full Construct Arthroscopy 36(2): 481-489, 01/2020. PM31901386
Mendias CL, Enselman ERS, Olszewski AM, Gumucio JP, Edon DL, Konnaris MA, Carpenter JE, AwanTM, Jacobson JA, Gagnier JJ, Barkan AL, Bedi A: The Use of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone to Protect Against Muscle Weakness in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Pilot, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Am J Sports Med 1: 363546520920591, 01/2020. PM32452208
Bedi A, Weber AE, Trasolini NA, Mayer EN, Bolia IK, Higgins J, Hamamoto J, Cole BJ, Bach BR, VermaNN: Does Bone Plug and Graft Orientation (Inferior Versus Posterior) Alter Native Femoral Footprint Coverage in Bone Patellar Tendon Bone Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction? Arthroscopy 1: 1, 01/2020. PM32061734
Olszewski A, Ramme AJ, Maerz T, Freehill MT, Warner JJP, Bedi A: Vault perforation after eccentricglenoid reaming for deformity correction in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1: 1, 01/2020. PM32061513
Schultz K, Osborne J, Nelson K, Potini V, Chen C, Aljuni A, Bedi A, Bookout J, Yusaf M, Bishai SK: Intra-and interobserver reliability for predicting hip preservation versus hip arthroplasty utilizing plain radiographs with comparison of surgeon J Hip Preserv Surg 7(1): 70-76, 01/2020. PM32382432/PMC7195942
Apostolakos JM, Lin KM, Carr JB 2nd, Bedi A, Camp CL, Dines JS: The Role of Biologic Agents in theNon-operative Management of Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 1: 1, 01/2020. PM32388723
Rodeo SA, Bedi A: 2019-2020 NFL and NFL Physician Society Orthobiologics Consensus Statement.Sports Health 12(1): 58-60, 01/2020. PM32379537/PMC6931173
Curran MT, Bedi A, Mendias CL, Wojtys EM, Kujawa MV, Palmieri-Smith RM: Blood Flow RestrictionTraining Applied With High-Intensity Exercise Does Not Improve Quadriceps Muscle Function After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Sports Med 48(4): 825- 837, 01/2020. PM32167837
Bedi A, Trinh TQ, Olszewski AM, Maerz T, Ramme AJ: Nonbiologic Injections in Sports Medicine. JBJSRev 8(2): e0052, 01/2020. PM32224626
Min KS, Fox HM, Bedi A, Walch G, Warner JJP: Patient-specific planning in shoulder arthroplasty. BoneJoint J 102-B(3): 365-370, 01/2020. PM32114820
Smith PA, Bedi A: Regarding "Radiologic and Clinical Outcomes After Hamstring Anterior CruciateLigament Reconstruction Using an Adjustable-Loop Cortical Suspension Device With Retensioning and Knot Tying". Arthroscopy 36(4): 930-931, 01/2020. PM32247420
TrinhTQ, Leunig M, Larson CM, Clohisy J, Nepple J, Zaltz I, Kelly BT, Naimark MB, BediA: Lateral Center-Edge Angle Is Not Predictive of Acetabular Articular Cartilage Surface Area: Anatomic Variation of the Lunate Am J Sports Med 1: 363546520924038, 01/2020. PM32520593
FemoroacetabularImpingement Randomized Controlled Trial (FIRST) , Ayeni OR, Karlsson J, Heels-Ansdell D, Thabane L, Musahl V, Simunovic N, Duong A, Bhandari M, BediA, Järvinen T, Naudie D, Seppänen M, Slobogean G, Skelly M, Shanmugaraj A, Crouch S, Sprague S, Buckingham L, Ramsay T, Lee J, Kousa P, Carsen S, Choudur H, Sim Y, Johnston K, Sprague S, Wong I, Murphy R, Sparavalo S, Whelan D, Khan R, Wood GCA, Howells F, Grant H, Naudie D, Zomar B, Pollock M, Willits K, Firth A, Wanlin S, Remtulla A, Kaniki N, Belzile EL, Turmel S, Jørgensen U, Gam-Pedersen A, Hatanpää T, Sihvonen R, Raivio M, Toivonen P, Routapohja MP: Osteochondroplasty and Labral Repair for the Treatment of Young Adults With Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Sports Med 1: 363546520952804, 01/2020. PM32970955
Rodriguez K, Garcia SA, Spino C, Lepley LK, Pang Y, Wojtys E, Bedi A, Angelini M, Ruffino B, Bolley T,Block C, Kellum J, Swartout A, Palmieri-Smith RM: Michigan Initiative for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation (MiACLR): A Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial. Phys Ther 1: 1, 01/2020. PM32939539
Bolia IK, Ihn H, Kang HP, Mayfield CK, Briggs KK, Bedi A, Jay Nho S, Philippon MJ, Weber AE: Cutting,Impingement, Contact, Endurance, Flexibility, and Asymmetric/Overhead Sports: Is There a Difference in Return-to-Sport Rate After Arthroscopic Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Am J Sports Med 1: 363546520950441, 01/2020. PM32909823
Judy RP, Talentino S, Bedi A, Lesniak BP: Ten Years of Sports Health: Authorship Characteristics andLevels of Sports Health 1: 1941738120922163, 01/2020. PM32628560
Curran MT, Bedi A, Kujawa M, Palmieri-Smith R: A Cross-sectional Examination of Quadriceps Strength,Biomechanical Function, and Functional Performance From 9 to 24 Months After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 48(10): 2438-2446, 01/2020. PM32693626
Kirsch JM, Bakshi NK, Ayeni OR, Khan M, Bedi A: Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Literature AddressingGlenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit: A Systematic Review. HSS J 16(3): 233-241, 01/2020. PM33088237/PMC7534890
Nadeem IM, Vancolen S, Horner NS, Bedi A, Alolabi B, Khan M: Return to Sport After Coracoid BoneBlock Transfer for Shoulder Instability: A Systematic Review. HSS J 16(3): 296-306, 01/2020. PM33088243/PMC7534889
Olaiya OR, Nadeem I, Horner NS, Bedi A, Leroux T, Alolabi B, Khan M: Templating in shoulderarthroplasty - A comparison of 2D CT to 3D CT planning software: A systematic review. Shoulder Elbow 12(5): 303-314, 01/2020. PM33123220/PMC7545523
Ramme AJ, Darcy R, Rourke BJ, Davis C, Markworth JF, Junginger L, Maerz T, Brooks SV, Bedi A: Localand Systemic Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Therapy in an Animal Model. Am J Sports Med 48(13): 3245-3254, 01/2020. PM33136456
Weber AE, Bolia IK, Mayfield CK, Ihn H, Kang HP, Bedi A, Nho SJ, Philippon MJ: Can We Identify WhyAthletes Fail to Return to Sport After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Am J Sports Med: 363546520956292, 01/2020. PM33017544
Miller BS, Kweon C, Gagnier JJ, Robins C, Bedi A, Carpenter JE: Surgical versus Non-surgicalManagement of Rotator Cuff Tears: Demographics More Predictive than Patient-reported Pain and Disability The American Journal of Sports Medicine. (In Press)
Kessler K, Carpenter J, Gagnier J, Bedi A, Robbins Chris, Miller B.: Does Increased BMI InfluenceOutcomes Following Rotator Cuff Repair? The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related (Submitted)
Kahn M, Madden K, Burrus M, Rogowski J, Stotts J, Samani M, Sikka R, Bedi A.: Epidemiology andImpact on Performance of Lower Extremity Stress Injuries in Professional Basketball Players Sports (Submitted)
Carter CW, Ireland ML, Johnson AE, Levine WM, Martin S, Bedi A, Matzkin EG.: Sex-Based Differencesin Common Sports Injuries Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic (Submitted)
Non-Peer-Reviewed Journals and Publications
Bedi A, Truumees E: Tarlov Cysts and Related Meningeal Lesions EContemp Spine Surgery 4(9): 65-72,09/2003.
Bedi A, Karunakar MA: Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO) of Supracondylar Femur Techniques in Knee Surgery, December 2005. Techniques in Knee Surgery 4(4): 242-247, 12/2005.
Bedi A, Warren RF: Beach Chair Positioning for Shoulder Arthroscopy Arthroscopy Association of NorthAmerica Journal 6(Fall): 4-6, 09/2008.
BediA,Williams RJ III: Synthetic Scaffolds in Articular Cartilage Repair Techniques In Knee Surgery 8 (March): 29-36, 03/2009.
Knesek M, Skendzel J, Bedi A: Approach to Patient Evaluation Using Static and Dynamic HipPathomechanics OperativeTechniquesinSportsMedicine, Guest Editor: Shane Nho 20: 260, 12/2012.
Mehran N, Skendzel J, Bedi A: Contemporary ACL Graft Options Operative Techniques in SportsMedicine21(1): 10-18, 03/2013.
Zaltz I, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Leunig M, Bedi A: Surgical treatment of femoroacetabular impingement:what are the limits of hip arthroscopy? Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 30(1): 99-110, 01/2014. PM24384276
Weeks KD 3rd, Dines JS, Rodeo SA, Bedi A: The Basic Science Behind Biologic Augmentation ofTendon-Bone Healing: A Scientific Review. Instructional course lectures 63: 443-50, 01/2014. PM24720329
Giedraitis A, Arnoczky SP, Bedi A: Allografts in Soft Tissue Reconstructive Procedures: Important Sports health 6(3): 256-64, 05/2014. PM24790696
Weber AE, Kontaxis A, O'Brien SJ, Bedi A: The Biomechanics of Throwing: Simplified and Cogent.Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 22(2): 72-9, 06/2014. PM24787720
Bedi A, Sekiya JK: Editorial comment: symposium: complex issues in glenohumeral instability. Clinicalorthopaedics and related research 472(8): 2343-4, 08/2014. PM24888324
Bedi A, Ross JR, Kelly BT, Larson CM: Avoiding complications and treating failures of arthroscopicfemoroacetabular impingement correction Instructional Course Lectures 64: 297-306, 01/2015. PM25745915
Bedi A, Sekiya J, Enselman ES: Hip Preservation: Current Concepts and Future Frontiers. Sports MedArthrosc 23(4): 163, 01/2015. PM26524548
Mehran N, Moutzouros VB, Bedi A: A Review of Current Graft Options for Anterior Cruciate Ligament JBJS Rev 3(11): 0, 01/2015. PM27490912
Kweon C, Welton KL, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: Arthroscopic Treatment of Cam-Type Impingementof the JBJS Rev 3(9): 0, 01/2015. PM27490671
Crawford EA, Welton KL, Kweon C, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: Arthroscopic Treatment of Pincer-TypeImpingement of the JBJS Rev 3(8): 0, 01/2015. PM27490474
Ross JR, Larson CM, Adeoye O, Kelly BT, Bedi A: Erratum to: Residual Deformity is the Most CommonReason for Revision Hip Arthroscopy: A Three-dimensional CT Study Clin Ortho Relat Res 473(3): 1167, 03/2015. 25582067
BediA, Dines J: Editorial Comment: Symposium: Biologics and Tissue Healing in Orthopaedics Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 473(5): 1622-1623, 05/2015. PM25762015
Khan M, Habib A, de Sa D, Larson CM, Kelly BT, Bhandari M, Ayeni OR,Bedi A: Arthroscopy Up to Date: Hip Femoroacetabular Impingement Arthroscopy 32(1): 177-89, 01/2016. PM26743420/26743420
Kuhns BD, Weber AE, Levy DM, Bedi A, Mather RC 3rd, Salata MJ, Nho SJ: Capsular Management inHip Arthroscopy: An Anatomic, Biomechanical, and Technical Review. Front Surg 3: 13, 01/2016. PM26973840/PMC4778552
Kuhn AW, Noonan BC, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: The Hip in Ice Hockey: A Current Concepts Arthroscopy 32(9): 1928-38, 01/2016. PM27318779/27318779
Dashe J, Parisien RL, Cusano A, Curry EJ, Bedi A, Li X: Allograft tissue irradiation and failure rate afteranterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A systematic review. World J Orthop 7(6): 392-400, 01/2016. PM27335815/PMC4911523
Lee S, Bedi A: Shoulder acromioclavicular joint reconstruction options and outcomes. Curr RevMusculoskelet Med 9(4): 368-377, 01/2016. PM27645218/PMC5127941
Lee S, Kuhn A, Draovitch P, Bedi A: Return to Play Following Hip Arthroscopy. Clin Sports Med 35(4):637-54, 01/2016. PM27543404/27543404
Rosen J, Sancheti P, Fierlinger A, Niazi F, Johal H, Bedi A: Response to: Important ConsiderationsWhen Determining the Cost-effectiveness of Viscosupplements in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis. Adv Ther 33(12): 2273-2276, 01/2017. PM27778299/PMC5126191
Bedi A: Editorial Commentary: With New Technology Comes New Responsibility: Do the Complicationsof Hip Arthroscopy See Us More Often Than We See Them? Arthroscopy 33(6): 1202-1203, 01/2017. PM28578764
Ross JR, Larson CM, Bedi A: Indications for Hip Arthroscopy. Sports Health null: null, 01/2017.PM28678628
BangaK, Memon M, Baisi LP, de SA D, BediA, Ayeni OR: Outcomes in surgical and conservative treatment of symptomatic non-traumatic shoulder labrum tears in the paediatric population: a systematic review Journal of ISAKOS DOI: 1136/jisakos-2016-000122: 0, 05/2017.
Book Chapters
Bedi A, Hensinger RN: Congenital Anomalies of the Spinal Cord. Rothman-Simeone The Spine,Herkowitz HN, Garfin SR, Eismont FJ, Bell GR, Balderston RA, Elsevier/Saunders, 4th, 30
Bedi A, Jebson PJL: Kienbock's Disease. Hand Secrets, Jebson JL, Kasdan, M Hanley & Belfus Inc, 3rd, 19
Bedi A, Biermann JS: Hand Tumors. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors 2,Schwartz HS American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2007. 2nd
Ryu RKN, Bedi A: Arthroscopic Sub scapularis Repair. Arthroscopic Techniques of the Shoulder: AVisual Guide, David T, Andrews J Slack Inc, 1st, 7
Bedi A, Warren RF: Techniques in Meniscal Repair. Arthroscopic Techniques of the Knee, Gill T SLACK, 1st, 4
Jebson PJL, Bedi A: Scaphoid Fractures: ORIF via a Limited Dorsal Approach Using a CannulatedHeadless Screw. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, Editor Richard H. Gelberman, MD Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3rd, 13
BediA, Jebson PJL: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Scaphoid Wrist Fractures: Dorsal Operative Techniques in Hand, Wrist, and Forearm, Hunt TR, Wiesel SW Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010. Har/Psc, 17, 159-
Bedi A, Tonetti J, Chabanas L, Lavallee S, Kelly BT: Computer Assisted Surgery for Femoro-Acetabular AANA Advanced Arthroscopy: The Hip, J.W. Thomas Byrd, Carlos A. Guanche Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010.
Bedi A, Karunakar MA: Patellar Fractures and Extensor Mechanism Injuries. Rockwood and Green'sFractures in Adults, Charles A. Rockwood, Robert W. Bucholz, Charles Court-Brown, MD, James D. Heckman, Paul Tornetta Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010. 53, 1752-1777
Skendzel J, Bedi A: Tendon Degeneration in the Rotator Cuff. Basic Principles and OperativeManagement of the Rotator Cuff, C. Benjamin Ma MD, Brian Feeley MD Slack Incorporated, 2012. 3, 33- 47
Walsh M, Bedi A: ACL Reconstruction with Allograft. Surgical Techniques of the Shoulder, Elbow, andKnee in Sports Medicine, Jon Sekiya, Brian J. Cole Elsevier-Saunders, 2012.
Kohen R, Bedi A, Dines J.: Single-row Versus Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair. Rotator Cuff Disorders:Basic Science And Clinical Medicine, Nicola Maffulli and John Furia JP Publishing, 2012. 14
Yablon CM, Bedi A, Morag M, Jacobson JA: Ultrasonography of the Shoulder with Arthroscopic MRI in Sports Medicine, Saunders TG, Miller MD Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2012.
Korn M, Bedi A, Allen A: Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair: Inside-Out Technique. Surgical Techniques ofthe Shoulder, Elbow, and Knee in Sports Medicine: Expert Consult, Brian J. Cole MD MBA, Jon K. Sekiya MD Saunders, 2, 53
Mall N, Van Thiel GS, Bedi A, Cole B: Graft Selection in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Evolving Concepts, Monograph Series, ElAttrache NS, Limpisvasti O, AAOS (in press), 3, 27-38
Wilde J, Bedi A, Altchek DW: Graft Options in Revision ACL Reconstruction. Revision ACLReconstruction: Indications and technique, Robert Marx Springer, 2013.
Poultsides L, Bedi A, Kelly BT: Treatment Algorithm for Femoroacetabular Impingement. AAOSMonograph on Femoroacetabular Impingement, Rafael Sierra AAOS, 2013.
Nosal C, Bedi A, Larson CM: Indication in Hip Arthroscopy. Advances in Hip Arthroscopy, Edited by JoeMcCarthy, Ricky Villar, Phil Noble Springer, 40
Wilde J, Bedi A, Altchek D: Graft Options in Revision ACL Reconstruction. Revision ACL Reconstruction,Editor Robert Marx, MD Springer, 2013, 9
Mendez-Zfass M, Lesniak B, Bedi A: Natural History of Anterior Instability. Controversies in ShoulderInstability, Editors: Christopher C Dodson, David M. Dines, Joshua S. Dines, Gilles Walch, Gerald R. Williams Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Walsh M, Bedi A: Allografts for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Surgical Techniques of theShoulder, Elbow, and Knee in Sports Medicine, Brian Cole MD, Jon K. Sekiya MD Saunders, 2013.
Weeks KD, Kines JS, Rodeo SA, Bedi A: The Basic Science Behind Biologic Augmentation of Tendon-Bone Healing: A Scientific Review. AAOS Instructional Course Lectures, Rober A. Hart, MD Editor, Craig J Della Valle, MD, Assistant Editor American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL, 2014. 41, 443-50
Nossov S, Dines JS, Murrell GAC, Rodeo SA, Bedi A: Biologic Augmentation of Tendon-to-Bone Healing:Scaffolds, Mechanical Load, Vitamin D, and AAOS Instructional Course Lectures, Robert A Hart, MD, Editor Craig J. Della Valle, MD, Assistant Editor American Academy or Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL, 2014. 42, 451-72
Mlynarek RA,Ross JR, Fessell DP, BediA: Synovial disorders of the knee. MRI-Arthroscopy Correlations: A Case-Based Atlas of the Knee, Shoulder, Elbow, and Hip, Brockmeier SF (ed.), Springer Science, New York, New York, 2015. 11
Mlynarek RA, Weber AE, Ross JR, Bedi A: Advances in Hip Imaging: 3-Demensional ComputedTomography, Magnaetic Resonance Imaging, and Dynamic Imaging. Proofs for Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine, accepted for publishing Elsevier, 2015.
Nepple JJ, Bedi A, Larson CM: Approaches to Capsulotomy and Capsular Management in Hip AANA Hip, TBD SLACK, Accepted for publication, 2015. 10
Bedi A, Jebson PJL, Hinkelman L: Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Open Reduction andInternal Fixation of Scaphoid Fractures , Wiesel, SW Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015. 2, 17
Lee S, Bedi A, Nho SJ, Espinoza Orías AA: Computer guided navigation and pre-operative planning forarthroscopic hip surgery. Computer-Assisted Musculoskeletal Surgery: Thinking and Executing in 3D, Ritacco LE, Milano FE, Chao E, eds. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, New York, NY, 2016. E Book, 3, 17-28
Bedi A, Lee S, Bakshi N, Kirsch J, Sekiya J.: Chapter 48. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery:Sports Medicine, 2e, Sports Medicine Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Practice,
Mlynarek, RA, Bedi, A, Brown, C: Biomechanics of Intratunnel ACL Graft Fixation. The Anterior CruciateLigament: Reconstruction and Basic Science, TBD Elsevier, 2017. 2
Bedi A, Larson C: Hip Arthroscopy for the Management of Structural Problems. AdvancedReconstruction: Hip 2, Multiple AAOS, 2017.
Nosal CA, Bedi A, Stone RM, Larson CM: Indications for Hip Arthroscopy. Hip and Joint Restoration, J.C.McCarthy et (eds.) Springer, 2017. 35
Nho S, Leunig M, Larson CM, Bedi A, Kelly B: Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Joint Preservation Surgery, Springer, New York, New York, 2014.
Bedi A, Larson CM, Kelly BT, O'Sullivan E: Sports Hip Injuries: Diagnosis and Management, SLACK, New Jersey, 2015.
Byrd JWT, Bedi A, Stubbs AJ,: The Hip: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques, Slack Incorporated, Thorofare, New Jersey, 2015.
Vallier, HA, Le, T., Bedi, A, et al.: Comparison of Intramedullary Nail and Plate Fixation of Distal Tibia Paper 353, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 01/01/2005.
Bedi, A, Gruber, B, Karunakar, MA, et al.: Interobserver and Intraobserver Reliability of ComponentPosition in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Smith & Nephew 2005 Orthopaedic Resident Research Competition Finalist, 01/01/2005.
Bedi, A, Jamadar, D., Jacobsen, J., and Femino, J: Evaluation of Ultrasonography and MagneticResonance Imaging of Peroneal Tendon and Lateral Ligament Complex Pathology of the Ankle. Poster Presentation, 2006 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 01/01/2006.
Bedi,A, and Graziano G: Pseudoarthrosis After Single-Level Laparoscopic Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using Threaded Interbody Endodowels. Paper Presentation, 2006 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 01/01/2006.
Bedi A, Caird MS, Farley F, and Jebson, PJL: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Unstable DistalRadius Fractures in Adolescent Patients: A Case Series. *Poster Presentation, 2007 American Association of Hand Surgery (AAHS) Annual Meeting, 01/01/2007.
Bedi A, Raphael B, Maderazo A, Pavlov H, and Williams RJ: Transtibial Versus Anteromedial Portal inACL Reconstruction: A Study of Tunnel Length and Obliquity., AAOS 2009 Primary ACL Reconstruction Session, 01/01/2009.
Salata M, Bedi A, Jacobsen J, and Wojtys EM: Structural and Functional Analysis of the ST Tendon afterHarvest for ACL Reconstruction, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting 2009, 01/01/2009.
Dines JM, Bedi A, and Dines DM: Clinical Results of Arthroscopic Single-Row Revision of Failed RotatorCuff Poster 287, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kelly NH, Baad M, Fox A, Brophy R, Warren RF, and Maher SA: Dynamic Contact Mechanics ofRadial Tears of the Medial Meniscus: Partial Meniscectomy Versus Repair. Poster 442, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Fox A, Imhauser CW, Brophy RH, Stasiak M, Deng X, and Rodeo SA: The Effect ofEarly and Delayed Mechanical Loading on Tendon-to-Bone Healing After ACL Reconstruction. Poster 446, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Raphael B, Maderazo A, Pavlov H, and Williams RJ: Transtibial Versus Anteromedial Portal inACL Reconstruction: A Study of Tunnel Length and Obliquity, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2009 Specialty Day, Keystone, Colorado, 01/01/2009.
Kovacevic D, Bedi A, Fox AJ, Deng X, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA: The Effect of TGF-β3 on Tendon-Bone Healing after Rotator Cuff Repair, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2009, Aircast Basic Science Research Award, Keystone, Colorado, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Musahl V, Steuber V, Kendoff D, Allen AA, Pearle AD, and Altchek DW: Transtibial versusAnteromedial Portal Reaming for ACL Reconstruction: An Anatomic and Biomechanical Study of Stability, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2009, Keystone, Colorado, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Foo LF, Williams RJ, Cartilage Study Group HSS, Potter HG: Assessment of Synthetic Scaffoldsfor Osteochondral Donor Sites of the Knee Using MRI and T2 Mapping: A Longitudinal Analysis, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Keystone, Colorado, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Fox A, Kovacevic D, Deng X, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA: Doxycycline-Mediated MMP InhibitionIn the Perioperative Period Improves Tendon-Bone Healing After Rotator Cuff Repair, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Keystone, Colorado, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Hettrich C, Gulotta L, Ehteshami J, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA: The Effect of MatrixMetalloproteinase Inhibition on Tendon-to-Bone Healing in a Rotator Cuff Repair Model, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Specialty Day 2009 Presentation, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Fox A, Imhauser CW, Brophy RH, Stasiak M, Deng X, and Rodeo SA: ORS2009- The Effect of Early and Delayed Mechanical Loading on Tendon-to-Bone Healing After ACL Reconstruction, Orthopaedic Research Society 2009 Annual Meeting, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Foo LF, Williams RJ, Cartilage Study Group HSS, Potter HG: ORS2009-0486. Assessment ofSynthetic Scaffolds for Osteochondral Donor Sites of the Knee Using MRI and T2 Mapping: A Longitudinal Analysis. Poster 834, Orthopaedic Research Society 2009. International Cartilage Research Symposium, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Hettrich C, Gulotta L, Ehteshami J, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA.: ORS2009-0505.The Effect of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition on Tendon-to-Bone Healing in a Rotator Cuff Repair Poster 536, Orthopaedic Research Society, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kovacevic D, Fox A, Gulotta L, Hettrich C, Deng X, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA: ORS2009-0508.The Effect of BMP 2-7 Heterodimer Delivered in An Injectable Calcium-Phosphate Matrix on Tendon- Bone Healing in An ACL Reconstruction Poster 1461, Orthopaedic Research Society, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Fox A, Kovacevic D, Deng X, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA: ORS2009-1177. Doxycycline-MediatedMMP Inhibition In the Perioperative Period Improves Tendon-Bone Healing After Rotator Cuff Repair. Poster 615, Orthopaedic Research Society, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Kelly NH, Baad M, Fox A, Brophy R, Warren RF, and Maher SA: ORS2009-1436 DynamicContact Mechanics of Radial Tears of the Medial Meniscus: Partial Meniscectomy Versus Repair. Poster 1436, Orthopaedic Research Society, 01/01/2009.
Zifchock BA, Backus S, Hillstrom H, Bogner E, Pavlov H, Mandl L, Chen C, Garrison G, Brown A,Cordasco F, Williams R, Bedi A: The Bilateral Effects of Unilateral Knee Bracing For the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis, 01/01/2009.
Bedi A, Dines DM, Altchek DW, Craig EV, Cordasco F, Warren RF, Lahre J, Adler RS, and Fealy S:Deep Vein Thrombosis is an Infrequent Complication after Shoulder Arthroplasty, Paper 166, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2010.
Bedi A, Musahl V, O'Loughlin P, Choi D, Citek M, Pearle AD: Does Graft Size Matter in ACLReconstruction? A Biomechanical Evaluation of Stability, Poster 420, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2010.
O'Loughlin P, Musahl V, Bedi A, Choi D, Citek M, Pearle AD: Does an Undersized Graft Matter in ACLReconstruction? A Biomechanical Evaluation of Stability, Poster # P 455, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2010.
Hettrich CM, Beamer B, Fox AJ, Bedi A, Deland K, Rodeo SA: Effect of Parathyroid Hormone on theHealing of Tendon to Bone in a Rat Model, Paper 042, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2010.
Bedi A, Musahl V, O'Loughlin P, Maak T, Dixon P, Citak M, Pearle A: A Comparison of Central AnatomicSingle-Bundle ACL Reconstruction and Double-Bundle ACL Reconstruction on Pivot Shift Kinematics, Poster Presentation, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2010 Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, 01/01/2010.
Bedi A, Dolan M, Lipman J, Kelly BT: Computer-Assisted Modeling In the Diagnosis and Management ofFemoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2010 Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, 01/01/2010.
Bedi A, Maak T, Musahl V, O'Loughlin, Choi D, Citak M, Pearle A: The Effect of Tibial Tunnel Position onStability of the Knee after ACL Reconstruction: Is the Tibial Tunnel Position Most Important. Poster, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2010 Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, 01/01/2010.
Bedi A, Kelly NH, Baad M, Fox AJ, Maher SM, and Warren RF: Dynamic Contact Mechanics of MeniscalManipulation: Implications for Treatment, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Specialty Day 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2010.
Bedi A, Fox AJ, Harris PH, Deng XH, Ying L, Warren RF, and Rodeo SA: Diabetes Impairs Tendon-BoneHealing after Rotator Cuff Repair, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Specialty Day 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2010.
Zbeda RM, Bedi A, Bueno V, Dolan M, Kelly BT: Heterotopic Ossification after Hip Arthroscopy forFemoroacetabular Impingement, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2011 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 01/01/2011.
Gomberawalla M, Bedi A, Miller BS, Oltean HS, Gagnier J: Joint Preservation versus Arthroplasty for theTreatment of Displaced Proximal Humerus Fractures, 2012 Annual Michigan Orthopaedic Society Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 01/01/2012.
Bedi A: The Location of the Tendon Stump After Long Head of the Biceps Tenotomy: Is the TendonLocation Associated with Persistent Groove Pain? Poster Presentation, 2012 Annual Michigan Orthopaedic Society Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 01/01/2012.
Cross MB, Musahl V, Bedi A, O'Loughlin PF, Hammoud S, Suero EM, Egidy CC, Pearle AD:Anteromedial versus Central Single Bundle ACL Graft Position: Which Anatomic Graft Position to Choose? Poster 451, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Schrumpf M, Dines J, Bedi A, Maak TG, Delos D, Jones K, Walch G, Dines DM: Managing Bone Loss inAnterior Scientific Exhibit SE76, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Skendzel JG, Weber A, Leunig M, Kelly BT, Bedi A: The Approach to the Evaluation and SurgicalTreatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in the Young Patient. Scientific Exhibit SE70, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Jones K, Dines J, Delos D, Schrumpf M, Maak T, Bedi A, Kelly BT, Altchek DW, Dines DM: The KineticChain of Overhead Throwing: A Systematic Review of Biomechanics and Associated Pathoanatomy. Scientific Exhibit SE62, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Mendias CL, Lynch EB, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Davis ME, Makki TA, DeWolf PD, Harning JA, Bedi A:Changes in Circulating Biomarkers of Cartilage Turnover and Inflammation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Rehabilitation. Paper #37, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 01/01/2012.
Milone M, Bedi A, Magennis E, Duke G, Larson CM, Byrd JW, Kelly BT: Radiographic Assessment ofFAI: Comparison of Plain Radiographs, Standard CT Imaging, and Computer Analysis Measurement, Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting, Orlando Florida, 01/01/2012.
Chen T, Kelly N, Bedi A, Warren RF, Maher SA: Contact Stress Patterns across the Tibial Plateau duringGait: Effect of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Presentation/Abstract#256, Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Mendias CL, Lynch EB, Davis ME, Harning JA, Walsh CP, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Bedi A: Elevation ofSystemic Myostatin Levels in Patients Recovering From Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Abstract#2264, Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Davis ME, Stafford PL, Bradley JR, Lynch EB, Gumucio JP, Bedi A, Mednias CL: Improvement in theContractility and Muscle Stem Cell Density of the Supraspinatus following Surgical Repair. Abstract#2266, Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Mendias CL, Davis ME, Stafford PL, Lynch EB, Gumucio, Bedi A: Reduction in Scleraxis and FSP-1Expression in the Epitenon of Patients with Tendinosis. Abstract 2324, Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 01/01/2012.
Miller BS, TranM, Kijek TG, BediA, Gagnier J: Is Diminished Bone Density a Risk Factor For Rotator Cuff Tears? e-Poster, 12th International Congress Of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Nagoya, Japan, 01/01/2013.
Dines JS, Bedi A, Jones K, Lorich D, Dines D: Prospective Evaluation of Arthroscopic Removal ofHardware following ORIF of Proximal Humerus Fractures. e-Poster, 12th International Congress Of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Nagoya, Japan, 01/01/2013.
Bedi A, Lynch EB, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Davis ME Makki TA, DeWolf PD, Kelly BT, Henning PT,Mendias CL: Elevated Biomarkers of Cartilage Catabolism and Inflammation in Athletes with Femoroacetabular Impingement, 2013 AOSSM Specialty Day, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Bedi A: Limited Femoral Internal Axial Rotation Increases ACL Strain during a Cadaver-Simulated PivotLanding, 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Omaha, Nebraska, 01/01/2013.
Bedi A, Lazaros P, Larson CM, Zaltz I, Lyman SL, Decrato D, Gavin D, Kelly BT: Anterior Inferior IliacSpine Morphology Correlates with Hip Range of Motion: A CT-Based Classification System and Dynamic Hip Model, Poster 209, 9th Biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Congress 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 01/01/2013.
Moreau-Gaudry A, Kelly BT, Byrd JW, Tonetti J, Lavallee S, Chabanas L, Barrier G, Bedi A: A NovelMethod for Defining Normal Acetabular Coverage: A CT-Based Study of Asymptomatic Hips and Correlation with Conventional Radiographic Measures of Acetabular Deformity, Poster 5, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Noonan B, Sekiya JK, Hollister SJ, Allen AA, Dines J, Bedi A: A Comparison of ReconstructiveProcedures for Glenoid Bone Loss and Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability. Paper 711, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Gomberawalla MM, Miller BS, Coale R, Bedi A, Gagnier JJ: A Meta-Analysis of Joint Preservation versusArthroplasty for Displaced Proximal Humerus Fractures. P342, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Larson C, Giveans MR, Bedi A, Samuelson K, Stone RM: Arthroscopic Hip Revision Surgery for ResidualFAI: Surgical Outcomes. Poster 452, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Bedi A, Stone RM, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Kelly BT, Larson C: Characterization of Symptomatic HipImpingement in Butterfly Ice Hockey Goalies, poster, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Dines J, Taylor SA, Khmelnitskaya E, Bedi A, Dines DM: Early-Term Results of Total ShoulderArthroplasty Utilizing a Mini-Stem Humeral Component. Paper 573, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Knesek M, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Coale R, Morag Y, Dines J, Miller BS, Mendias CL, Bedi A: PersistentBicipital Groove Pain After Tenotomy: Is a Retained Long Head Tendon the Source of Pain? Poster 296, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Bedi A, Maak TG, Delos D, McCarthy MM, Shubin Stine BE, Arendt EA, Altchedk DW, Dines J: SportsMedicine/Arthroscopy Scientific Exhibit: An Algorithmic Approach to the Management of Recurrent Lateral Patellar Dislocation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Li X, Ma RR, Bedi A, Dines DM, Altcheck DW, Dines J: Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Scientific Exhibit:Management of Acromioclavicular Injuries: A Review of Current Concepts, Outcomes, and Surgical Technique, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 01/01/2013.
Bedi A, Roche SM, Lynch EB, Davis ME, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Claflin DR: Changes in Muscle FiberFunction and Architecture in Patients with Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 2013 Closed Meeting, 01/01/2013.
Oak N, Gumucio J, Davis M, Lynch EB, Roache SM, Mendias CL, Bedi A: Inhibition of 5-Lox, Cox-1 andCox-2 Increases Tendon Healing and Reduces Muscle Inflammation After Rotator Cuff Repair, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 2013 Closed Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2013.
Ross JR, Bedi A, Leunig ML, Kelly BT, Larson CM: A Correlation of Fluoroscopic Images with ThreeDimensional CT Imaging to Identify and Treat the Entire Cam Lesion, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Ross JR, Bedi A, Larson CM, Kelly BT: The Characterization of Symptomatic Hip Impingement inButterfly Ice Hockey Goalies, poster 84, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Ross JR, Bedi A, Nepple J, Larson CM, Kelly BT: The Influence of Pelvic Tilt on Common AcetabularParameters and Range of Motion in Patients with Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), oral presentation, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting, Munich Germany, 01/01/2013.
Adeoyo O, Bedi A, Magennis E, Kelly BT: Validation of Computer-Assisted Dynamic Simulation forTreatment of Symptomatic Femoroacetabular Impingement, poster # 33, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Hapa O, Gursan O, Bedi A, Akar MS, Guvencer M, Havitciglu H, Larson CM: Anatomic Footprint of theDirect Head of the Rectus Femoris Origin: Cadaveric Study and Clinical Series of Hips after Arthroscopic AIIS/Subspine Decompression, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Ross J, Bedi A: Correction of the Deformity in Butterfly Ice Hockey Goalies with Symptomatic Poster Presentation, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Streit J, Gebhart J, Bedi A, Bush-Joseph C, Nho S, Salata M: Correlation Between SacropelvicParameters and Femoroacetabular Impingement in Cadaveric Specimens. Poster Presentation, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Ross JR, Bedi A, Leunig ML, Kelly BT, Larson CM: Correlation of Fluoroscopic Images With Three-Dimensional CT Imaging To Identify and Treat the Entire Cam Lesion, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Larson C, Gebhart J, Bedi A, Bush-Joseph C, Nho S, Salata M: Femoral Neck-Shaft Angle Differs butFemoral Ante Version Is Constant in Osteological Specimens with and Without a Cam Deformity of the Proximal Femur, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Streit J, Gebhart J, Bedi A, Bush-Joseph C, Nho S, Salata M: Rotational Alignment of the Knee isDifferent in Osteological Specimens with and without a Cam Deformity of the Proximal Femur, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Adeoyo O, Bedi A, Magennis E, Kelly BT: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine and Hip Abnormalities in High-LevelSoccer Players: A 3-Dimensional CT Analysis, International Society for Hip Arthroscopy, Munich, Germany, 01/01/2013.
Gumucio J, Stafford PL, Schiffman CJ, Bradley JR, Roche ST, Lynch EB, Davis ME, Harning JA, BromleyCW, Claflin DR, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Antagonizing PPARy Reduces Lipid Deposition and Fatty Macrophage Accumulation Following Rotator Cuff Tear. Poster 633, Orthopaedic Research Society 2013 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 01/01/2013.
Lavagnino M, Bedi A, Walsh C, Sheibani-Rad S, Arnoczky SP: Cyclic Creep and Recovery in Tendon - invitro and in vivo Poster 605, Orthopaedic Research Society 2013 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 01/01/2013.
Li X, Shubin Stein BE, Cordasco F, Bedi A, Hannafin JA, Rodeo SA, Potter HG, Torzilli P, Warren R:Enhanced Tendon to Bone Healing: An MRI and Histological Study Comparing Poly-D, L-Lactide (PLDLA) vs. Tricalcium Phosphate (TCP) Coated Interference Screws in ACL Surgery, Orthopaedic Research Society 2013 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 01/01/2013.
Mendias CL, Roche ST, Lynch EV, Davis ME, Sibilsky Enselman ER, Bromley CW, Harning JA, Calve S,Jacobson JA, Claflin DR, Bedi A: Reduction in muscle fiber force production, disruption of myofibril architecture and accumulation of fatty macrophages in patients with chronic rotator cuff tears, Orthopaedic Research Society 2013 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 01/01/2013.
Oh YK, Bedi A, Kelly BT, Wojtys EM, Ashton-Miller JA: Restricted Hip Internal Rotation Associated withFAI Increases ACL Strain during a Simulated Pivot Landing. Poster 0899, Orthopaedic Research Society 2013 Annual Meeting, San Antonia, Texas, 01/01/2013.
Davis ME, Stafford PL, Jergensen MJ, Bedi A, Mendias CL: "Damage To The Plasma Membrane OfRotator Cuff Muscle Fibers Following Surgical Repair" Poster 1899, 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Gagnier J, Carpenter JE, Bedi A, Miller BS: "Demographic Factors Related To WORC Scores In Surgical Non-surgical RCT Patients" Poster 1896, 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Oak NR, Gumucio J, Davis ME, Lynch EB, Roche, Bedi A, Mendias CL: "Inhibition of 5-LOX, COX-1 andCOX-2 Increases Tendon Healing and Reduces Muscle Inflammation after Rotator Cuff Repair", 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Gumucio J, Flood M, Phan A, Roche SM, Harning JA, Lynch EB, Bedi A, Mendias Cl: "T-lymphocytesAre Not Required For The Development Of Fatty Infiltration Following Rotator Cuff Tear" Poster 1396, 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Ross D, Maerz T, Kurdziel M, Doshi S, Bedi A, Baker K, Anderson K: "The Effect Of Granulocyte ColonyStimulating Factor (G-CSF) On Rat Rotator Cuff Healing Following Acute Injury And Repair: Biomechanics, Histology, And MRI" Poster 1377, 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Davis ME, Gurmucio J, Korn MA, Bedi A, Mendias CL: "The Protective Effects of Simvastatin on Musclein a Rat Model of Chronic Rotator Cuff Injury" Poster 1006, 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Smietana MJ, Moncada-Larrotiz P, Arruda EM, Bedi A, Larkin LM,: "Utilization of 3-D Tissue EngineeredConstructs to Improve Tendon-Bone Healing Following Rotator Cuff Repair" Poster 1382, 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
LarsonCM, Giveans MR, BediA, Samuelson K, Stone RM:Arthroscopic Hip Revision Surgery for Residual FAI: Surgical Outcomes, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
RossDR, Kurdziel M, Doshi S, BediA, Baker KC, Anderson A:The Effect of Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor on Rat Rotator Cuff Healing following Acute Injury and Repair, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Ross JR, Bedi A, Stone RM, Enselman ERS, Kelly BT, Larson CM: A Correlation of Fluoroscopic Imageswith Three-Dimensional CT Imaging to Identify and Treat the Entire Cam Lesion, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Bedi A, Ross J, Kelly BT, Larson CM: A Three-Dimensional Assessment of Residual Deformity Prior toRevision Arthroscopic FAI Surgery, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Fabricant PD, Fields K, Magennis E, Taylor SA, Stover, MD, Bedi A, Kelly BT: Femoral and CombinedAnteversion is Not Predictive of Outcome After Arthroscopic Treatment of FAI, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Ross J, Nepple J, Philippon MJ, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: Influence of Pelvic Tilt on AcetabularParameters and Range of Motion in Patients with Femoroacetabular Impingement, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
BeckmannJ, Dines J, BediA, Wylie J, Holt P, William RJ, Wright RW, Aoki SK, Maak TG: Osteochondritis Dissecans - Etiology, Presentation, Diagnosis and Management in the Skeletally Immature, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Li X, ou H, Ma SR, Eichinger JK, Hartshorn TA, Bedi A, Dines J, Walch G: Reverse Total ShoulderArthroplasty: A Review of Current Concepts, Surgical Techniques, and Clinical Outcomes, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Streit J, Gebhart J, Bedi A, Bush-Joseph CA, Nho SJ, Salata M: Rotational Alignment of the Knee inRelation to Cam Deformity of the Proximal Femur, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Skendzel JG,Weber A, Maak TG, Dines J, LaPrade RF, Wojtys EM, Rodeo SA, BediA: The Role of High Tibial Osteotomy and Distal Femoral Osteotomy in the Unstable and Chronic Ligament-Deficient Knee, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Adeoye OO, Bedi A, Kelly BT: Validation of a Computer-Assisted Dynamic Simulation for Treatment ofSymptomatic Femoroacetabular Impingement, 79th American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Deneweth J, Whiteside D, Pomeroy S, Cowan J, Ross J, Bedi A, Goulet G.: Hip Accelerations andFemoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) Morphology in Ice Hockey Goaltenders, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, Massachusetts, 01/01/2014.
Larson CM, Giveans R, Bedi A, Samuelson KM, Stone RM: Arthroscopic Hip Revision Surgery forResidual FAI: Surgical Outcomes, AOSSM 2014 Specialty Day, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Davis ME, Gumucio JP, Korn MA, Mendias CL, Bedi A: Simvastatin Reduces Fibrosis and ProtectsAgainst Muscle Weakness after Massive Rotator Cuff Tear (paper #5), ASES 2014 Closed Meeting, Pinehurst, North Carolina, 01/01/2014.
Gausden E, Taylor SA, Dines JS, Bedi A, Chin C, Craig EV, Wickiwiecx TL, Dines DM: Total ShoulderArthroplasty for Primary Osteoarthritis Utilizing a Mini-Stem Humeral Component: Midterm Results of the First 100 Cases (paper #18), ASES 2014 Closed Meeting, Pinehurst, North Carolina, 01/01/2014.
Gagnier J, Oltean H, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS: A Prospective Follow-up of Patients TreatedSurgically or Non-Surgically for Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears, American Academy of Orthpaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Larson CM, Giveans R, Bedi A, Samuelson KM, Stone RM, M: Arthroscopic Hip Revision Surgery forResidual FAI: Surgical Outcomes, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 2014 Specialty Day, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
Gagnier JJ, Robins C, Carpenter JE, Bedi A, Miller BS: A Prospective Cohort Study of Patients TreatedSurgically or Non-Surgically for Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears, paper 37, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 01/01/2014.
Davis M, Stafford PL, Jergenson M, Bedi A, Mendias C: Muscle Injury Induced at the Time of Acute andChronic Rotator Cuff Repair, poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Meeting Seattle, Washington, 01/01/2014.
Kweon C Y, Gagnier JJ, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS: Surgical versus Non-surgicalManagement of Rotator Cuff Tears: Predictors of Treatment Allocation, paper 35, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 01/01/2014.
Beaulie ML, Oh YK, Bedi A, Ashton-Miller JA, Wojtys EM: "Does Limited Internal Femoral RotationIncrease Peak Anterior Cruciate Ligament Strain During a Simulated Pivot Landing?" Cabaud Memorial Award winner, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Seattle, Washington, 01/01/2014.
Bedi A, Roche SM, Lynch EB, Davis ME, Enselmann ERS, Claflin DR, Mendias CL: Changes in MuscleFiber Function and Architecture in Patients with Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears, oral presentation, Charles S. Neer Award winner, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 2014 Specialty Day, New Orleans, Louisiana, 01/01/2014.
McCormick F, Thomas J, Salata, Bedi A, Philippon MJ, Nho S: Labral Reconstruction with ITB AutograftNormalizes Hip Contact Pressure after Antero-superior Labral Resection: An In-vitro Biomechanical Analysis SS-44, Arthroscopy Association of North America 33 rd Annual Meeting, Hollywood, Hollywood, Florida, May 1-3, 2014, 01/01/2014.
Larson C, Moreau-Gaudry A, Kelly B, Thomas Byrd, JW, Tonetti J, Lavallee S, Chabanas L, Barrier G,Bedi A: "Defining Normal Acetabular Coverage: A CT-Based Study of Asymptomatic Hips and Correlation with Conventional Radiographic Measures of Acetabular Deformity", Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting, 01/01/2014.
Ross J, Bedi A, Stone R, Sibilsky Enselman E, Leuning M, Kelly B, Larson C: "IntraoperativeFluoroscopic Imaging to Accurately Treat Cam Deformities: Correlation with 3D Computed Tomography", Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting, 01/01/2014.
Bedi A, Adeoye O, Ross J, Larson C, Byrd JWT, Kelly B: "Validation of A Computer-Assisted DynamicSimulation For Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)", Arthroscopy Association of North American Annual Meeting, Hollywood, Florida, 01/01/2014.
Whiteside D, Deneweth J, Bedi A, Pomeroy S, Murray M, Bancroft R, Zernicke R, Goulet G: MechanicalEtiology of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) in Ice Hockey Goaltenders, Proceedings of XIII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, Lausanne, Switzerland, 01/01/2014.
Gagnier J, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter J, Miller B: Minimally important differences for the WORC andASES in patients treated surgically and non- surgically for full thickness rotator cuff tears. Poster presentation, 10th Biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference (ISAKOS), Lyon, France (Accepted)., 01/01/2015.
Landfair G, Gagnier J, Robbins C, Carpenter J, Bedi A, Miller B: Does smoking affect treatment allocationand outcomes in patients with rotator cuff tears Poster presentation, 10thBiennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference (ISAKOS), Lyon, France, 01/01/2015.
Miller B, Robbins C, Carpenter J, Bedi A, Gagnier J: A prospective cohort study of patients treatedsurgically or non-surgically for full-thickness Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference (ISAKOS), 10th Biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference (ISAKOS), Lyon, France, 01/01/2015.
Miller B, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter J, Gagnier J: A Prospective Cohort Study Of Patients TreatedSurgically Or Non-Surgically For Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears. Platform presentation, ASES Open Meeting/Specialty Day Program, Las Vegas, , 01/01/2015.
Gagnier J, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter J, Miller B: Minimally important differences for the ASES andWORC outcome measures. Poster presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
LandfairG, Robbins C, Gagnier J, Carpenter J, BediA, Miller : Does smoking affect treatment allocation and outcomes in patients with rotator cuff tears? Platform presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) annual conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Nawabi D, Fields K, Wentzel C, McLawhorn AS, Ranawat AS, Bedi A, Kelly BT: A Comparison of Openand Endoscopic Repair of Tears of the Gluteus Medius Tendon at a Minimum of Two Years Follow Up, Paper 847, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Landfair G, Robbins CB, Gagnier JJ, Carpenter JE, Bedi A, Miller BS: Does Smoking Affect TreatmentAllocation and Outcomes in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tears? PAPER: 364, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada 03/24/2015 03/28/2015, 01/01/2015.
Spencer-Gardner L, Bedi A, Stuart MJ, Ross J, Larson CM, Kelly BT, Krych AJ,: IschiofemoralImpingement and Hamstring Dysfunction after Ischial Tuberosity Fracture: Surgical Outcomes, Poster No. P453, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Nawabi D, Klinger C, Hinds RM, Sculco PK, Dewar DC, Bedi A, Helfet DL, Kelly BT, Lorich DG: LimitedVessel Damage Does Not Compromise Femoral Head Perfusion at Hip Arthroscopy - Can the Safe Zone be Extended? Paper 424, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Gagnier JJ, Robbins CB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS: Minimally Important Differences for the ASESand WORC Outcome Measures, Poster No. P337, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Nawabi D, Fields K, Wentzel C, McLawhorn AS, Sink EL, Bedi A, Ranawat AS, Kelly BT: Outcomes ofHip Arthroscopy in Borderline Dysplasia: A Comparison to a Matched Cohort of Patients with FAI, Paper 433, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Michael Knesek M Brunfeldt A, Korenczuk C, Jepsen KJ, Robbins CB, Gagnier JJ, Allen AA, Dines J,Bedi A: Patterns of Strain and the Determination of the Safe Arc of Motion after Subscapularis Repair, Paper 363, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Cowan James, Weber A, Mlynarek R, Gumucio JP, Mendias CL, dines J, Bedi A: Scientific Exhibit SE28Understanding Biological Augmentation for Orthopaedics in 2015: Stem Cells, Growth Factors, Scaffolds, and PRP, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Mlynarek R, Cowan J, Weber A, Dines J, Verma NN, Romeo AA, Allen AA, Sekiya JK, Bedi A: ScientificExhibit SE80 Approach to Glenoid and Humeral Head Bone Loss in Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Shoulder Instability, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Li X, Ma R, Zhou H, Bedi A, Dines DM, Altchek DW, Dines J: Scientific Exhibit SE83 Management ofAcromioclavicular Joint Injuries: A Review of Current Concepts, Outcomes, and Surgical Techniques, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Ross J, Tannenbaum E, Nepple J, Kelly BT, Larson CM, Bedi A: Supine Versus Standing PelvicRadiographs: Analysis of Acetabular Morphology and Range of Motion to Impingement , Paper 849, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Larson CM, Ross J, Giveans MR, Stone RM, Grossi E, Bedi A: The Dancers Hip: Extreme ROMImpingement / Instability: Arthroscopic Clinical Outcomes, Poster P445, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Robbins C, Miller B, Carpenter J, Bedi A, Gagnier J.: Factors related to improved quality of life inoperative and non-operative RCT patients. Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 01/01/2015.
Gagnier J, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter J, Miller B.: Factors related to improved quality of life inoperative and non-operative RCT patients. Poster presentation, Biennial International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference (ISAKOS), Lyon, France, 01/01/2015.
MlynarekR, BediA: Algorithmic Approach to Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability, Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 01/01/2015.
Mlynarek R, Bedi A: Arthroscopic Approach to Femoroacetabular Impingement: Identifying AppropriateIndications and Treatment Approach, Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 01/01/2015.
Gagnier J, Miller B, Carpenter J, Bedi A, Robbins C: Factors related to improved quality of life inoperative and non-operative RCT patients. Poster presentation, Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Gagnier J, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter J, Miller B: Minimally important differences for the WORC andASES in patients treated surgically and non-surgically for full thickness rotator cuff tears. Platform presentation, Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 01/01/2015.
Nepple JJ, Ross J, Bedi A, Putnam S, Pashos G, Schoenecker PL, Clohisy JC,: The False ProfileRadiograph: Is it an Accurate and Precise Method of Assessing Anterior Coverage?, POSNA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 01/01/2015.
Nepple JJ, Ross J, Bedi A, Schoenecker PL, Clohisy JC: Three-Dimensianal CT Analysis IdentifiesDistinct Variations in Acetabular Morphology in the Dysplastic Hip, POSNA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 01/01/2015.
Noonan B, Dines JS, Answorth AA, Altchek DW, Bedi A: Adjustable Loop ACL Reconstruction Device:The Value of Re-tensioning and Knot Tying, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando Florida, 03/01/2016.
Taylor AI, Robbins CB, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Gagnier JJ, Miller BS.: Do Statin Medications AffectClinical Outcomes in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tears?, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
Xinning L, Cusano A, Yi PH, Sing D, Gagnier JJ, Eichinger JK, Jawa A, Bedi A: Insurance Status AffectsPostoperative Morbidity and Complication Rate after Shoulder Arthroplasty, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
Nepple J, Ross J, Bedi A, Clohisy J.: Is Three-Dimensional Imaging Better than Plain Radiographs forDefining Pincer FAI Subtypes?, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
Ross J, Nepple J, Tannenbaum E, Larson CM, Bedi A: Pelvic Incidence Plays a Role in Pelvic Mobility &Acetabular Version in Patients with Femoroacetabular Impingement, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
WildeJ, Gumucio JP, Grekin J, Davis M, Roche SM, BediA, Mendias CL.: Reduction of Lipid Accumulation and Fibrosis after Rotator Cuff Repair, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
VandenBerg CD, Crawford EA, Enselman ER, Robbins CB, Wojtys EM, Bedi A: Restricted Hip Rotationis an Independent Risk Factor for ACL Injury, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
Hudgens JL, Sugg K, Gumucio JP, Grekin J, Bedi A, Mendias C: What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)Really Doing to Tendon Fibroblasts, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/01/2016.
Kirsch J, Nathani A, Robbins C, Gagnier J, Bedi A, Miller BS: Is There an Association Between the"Critical Shoulder Angle" and Clinical Outcome after Rotator Cuff Repair?", American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orlando, Florida, 03/04/2016.
Robbins CB, Miller B, Bedi A, Carpenter J, Gagnier J.: A Comparison of Rehabilitation Strategies in theNon-Operative Management of Symptomatic Rotator Cuff Tears, Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/05/2016.
WolfeCN, Gumucio JP, Grekin JA, Kouri RK, BediA, Mendias CL: Pharmacological Inhibition of Myostatin Protects Against Atrophy And Weakness After ACL Tear, Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/05/2016.
Hudgens J, Sugg KB, Grekin JA, Gumucio JP, Bedi A, Mendias CL: Platelet Rich Plasma Activates Pro-inflammatory Signaling Pathways and Induces Oxidative Stress in Tendon Fibroblasts., Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 03/05/2016.
Buckwater J, Wolf B, Bollier M, Moon Shoulder Group Bedi A, Glass N, Hettrich C: Factors AffectingReturn to Baseline Function at 6 Months Following Anterior Shoulder Instability Surgery: A Multi-Center Orthopaedic Outcomes Network (MOON) Shoulder Group Cohort Study, ICSES 2016, The 13th International Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Jeju, Korea, 05/18/2016.
Buckwater J, Wolf B, Bollier M, Moon Shoulder Group Miller BS, Bedi A, Glass N. Hettrich C: FactorsAffecting Return to Baseline Function at 6 Months Following Anterior Shoulder Instability Surgery: A Multi- Center Orthopaedic Outcomes Network (MOON) Shoulder Group Cohort Study., The 13th International Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (ICSES), Jeju, Korea, 05/18/2016.
Hudgens JL, Mendias C, Sugg KB, Grekin JA, Gumucio JP, Bedi A: Platelet Rich Plasma Activates Pro-Inflammatory Signaling Pathways and Induces Oxidative Stress in Tendon Fibroblasts. Cabaud Award Winner, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2016, Colorado, Springs Colorado, 07/07/2016.
WolfeCN, Gumucio JP, Grekin J, Khouri RK, BediA, Mendias C: Poster 48: Pharmacological Inhibition of Myostatin Protects Against Atrophy and Weakness after ACL, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2016, Colorado, Springs Colorado, 07/07/2016.
Yi PH, Cusano A, Sing D, Gagnier JJ, Jawa A, Bedi A, Li X: Insurance status affects postoperativemorbidity and complication rate after shoulder arthroplasty. Podium Presentation., Western Orthopaedic Association (WOA) 80th Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, 09/28/2016.
LiVeltre D, Yi PH, Cusano A, Sing D, Eichinger JK, Jawa A, BediA, Li X: Insurance status affects postoperative morbidity and complication rate after shoulder arthroplasty. Poster Presentation., Eastern Orthopaedic Association (EOA) 47th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 10/19/2016.
Bedi A, Larson C, Ramos N, Ross J, Stone RM.: Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement inSkeletally Immature Patients: Radiographic and Clinical Analysis Paper 430, 03/15/2017.
Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Miller BS, Robbins C, Watson S.: Does Concomitant Biceps Surgery Affect theOutcome of Rotator Cuff Repair? Paper: 866, 03/17/2017.
Bach B, Bedi A, Claes S, Cole B, Forsythe B, Getood A, Leroux TS, Verma NN, Weber A.: Lateral BasedSoft Tissue Augmentation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Historical Perspectives, BioMechanical Evidenced, and Clinical , 03/17/2017.
Bach B, Bedi A, Cole B, Cvetanovich G, Griffin JW, Webber A.: Management of Large Chondral Defectsin the Knee: Options and Decision , 03/17/2017.
Bedi A, Dines J, Kirsch J, Mylnarek R, Nathani A, Walch G, Warner JJP.: What is the Role of ComputerAssisted 3D Modeling for Pre-Operative Planning of Shoulder , 03/17/2017.
Zhu Y, Jiang C.: A Prospective Comparative Study of Arthroscopic vs. Open Latarjet in the Treament ofAnterior Shoulder Instability with Marked Glenoid Bone Loss, Paper # 16, Moderator, 03/18/2017.
Boileau P, Gendre P, d'Ollonne T, Gastaud O, Gonzalez JF, Seeto BL.: Suture Button Fixation is anAlternative to Screw Fixtion for Latarjet Procedure. Paper # 17, Moderator, 03/18/2017.
Shin SJ, Kim RG, Jeon YS.: The Critical Bone Loss of the Glenoid That Leads to RecurrentGlenohumeral Instability Following Arthroscopic Bankart Repair in Anterior Shoulder Paper # 18 Moderator, 03/18/2017.
Bedi A, Sibilsky Enselman E, Larson CM, Ross JR, Kelly BT, Mendias CL, Gagnier JJ.: Can the NaturalHistory of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) be Altered and Improved with Surgical Treatment? Paper 17, 04/07/2017.
BediA: Hip- Paper # 6: Moderator, 06/04/2017.
Miller BS, Watson S, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter JE.: Does Concomitant Biceps Surgery Affect theOutcome of Rotator Cuff Repair? Paper 263, 06/05/2017.
Miller BS, Kessler K, Robbins C, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Gagnier J.: Does Obesity Affect FunctionalOutcomes After Rotator Cuff Repair? Paper 96, 06/05/2017.
Bedi,A: Performance-Based Outcomes After Operative Management of Athletic Pubalgia/Core Muscle Injury in National Football League Players Paper 136., 07/21/2017.
Bedi, A: Reutrn to Play After Multi-Ligament Knee Injuries in National Football League (NFL) AthletesPaper: 159, 07/21/2017.
Bedi,A: Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement in Skeletally Immature Patients: Radiographic and Clinical Analysis Paper 152, 07/21/2017.
Larson CL, Wulf CA, Bedi A, Stone RM, Ramos N, Giveans MR: Early Outcomes and Demographics ofArthroscopic Repair of Meniscal Root and Complete Radial Meniscal Paper Presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Bedi A, Dines DM, Gulotta LV, Camp CL, Denard PJ, Rauck R, Ruzbarsky J, Calcei JG: Glenoid BoneLoss Complicating Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Treatment Algorithm, Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Weber A, Mayer E, Rounds A, Clohisy JC, Nho SJ, Bedi A: How I deal with the Young, Active Patientwith Hip Pain: From New Patient Visit to Postoperative Rehabilitation, Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Lee S, Burrus MT, Habib A, Werner BC, Khan M, Rogowski JP, Stotts J, Sikka RS,Bedi A: Player Performance and Return to Sport after Arthroscopic Management of Hip labral Tears in the National Basketball Poster, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, New Oleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Weber A, Saltzman BM, Mayer E, Rounds A, Verma NN, Bush-Joseph CA, Bach BR,Bedi A, Cole BJ: Supplements in Sports Medicine: From Vitamin D to Glucosamine to Growth Hormone Scientific Exhibit, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, Now Orleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Kuhn A, Bedi A, Grant JA: Surgical vs Non-Surgical Treatment Decisions and Time Lost for ShoulderInjuries Sustained in NCAA Ice Hockey. Paper Presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Nepple JJ, Fowler LM, Ross J, Bedi A, Clohisy JC: Variability in Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Morphologyin Acetabular Dysplasia: A Source of Post-Osteotomy Impingment. Paper Presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 03/06/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Abnormal Femoral Torsion: Characterization of Deformity at Supratrochanteric andInfratrochanteric Locations. Abstract ID: 899, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Characterization of the Optimal Reduction Maneuver During SimulatedPeriacetabular Abstract ID: 915, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Independent Predictors of Short-term Outcomes in Patients Undergoing SurgicalTreatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement. Abstract ID: 931, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Radiation Exposure in the Young Adult Hip Patient: Does Low-dose ComputedTomography Reduce Radiation Exposure Adequately. Abstract ID: 903, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Variability in Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Morphology in Acetabular Dysplasia: ASource of Post-osteotomy Impingement. Abstract ID: 888, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Can the Periacetabular Osteotomy Normalize Acetabular Coverage in theDysplastic Hip: Evaluation via Postoperative Low-dose Abstract ID: 849, Pediatric Orthpaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Defining Optimal Treatment in the Borderline Dysplastic Hip. Abstract ID: 273,Pediatric Orthpaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Asheesh Bedi, et al: Independent Predictors of Preoperative Patient-Reported Symptom Severity inPatients undergoing Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery Abstract ID: 936, Pediatric Orthpaedic Society of North America 2018 Annual Meeting (POSNA), Austin, Texas, 05/09/2018.
Lynch TS, Minkara A, Aoki SK, Bedi A, Bharam S, Clohisy JC, Harris JD, Larson CM, Nepple JJ, Nho SJ,Phillippon MJ, Rosneck JT, Safran MR, Stubbs AJ, Westermann RW, Byrd JWT, Delphi Hip Arthroscopy Group: Best Practice Guidelines for Hip Arthroscopy in Femoroacetabular Impingement: Results of a Delphi Process. Paper 392, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
Trinh TQ, Naimark M, Bedi A, Carpenter JE, Robbins CB, Baumgarten KM, Bishop JY, Bollier MJ,Bravman JT, Brophy RH, Cox CL, Feeley BT, Grant JA, Hettrich C, Jones GL, Kuhn JE, Marx RG, McCarty EC, Ortiz S, Smith MV, Wolf, BR, Zhang A, Miller BS, MOON Shoulder Instability Group: Clinical Outcomes Following Anterior Shoulder Stabilization in Overhead Athletes: An Analysis of the MOON Instability Cohort. Paper 031, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
MaerzT, Baca G, Beaule PE, Clohisy JC, Kim YJ, Larson CM, Millis MB, Podeszwa DA, Schoenecker PL, Sierra RJ, Sink EL, Sucato DJ, Trousdale RT, Zaltz I, Bedi A, ANCHOR Multicenter Study Group: Gender Differences in Outcome after Corrective Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) Reflect Differences in Preoperative Baseline Scores., American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
Trinh TQ, Leunig M, Larson CM, Clohisy JC, Nepple JL, Zaltz I, Naimark M, Bedi A.: Lateral Center EdgeAngle in Not Predictive of Acetabular Articular Cartilage Surface Area: Anatomic Variation of the Lunate Paper 397, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
Nadeem IM, Vancolen, SY, Horner NS, Bedi A, Alolabi B, Khan M.: Return to Sport Following CoracoidBone Block Transfer for shoulder Instability: A Systemic Review. Paper 037, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
Gil JA, Gunaseelan V, Defroda S, Brummett CM, Bedi A, Waljee JF.: Risk of Prolonged Opioid UseAmong Opioid-Naive Patients Following Common Shoulder Arthroscopy Paper No. P0398, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
Nepple JJ, Zaltz I, Bedi A, Beaule PE, Millis MB, Sierra RJ, Sink EL, Clohisy JC, ANCHOR Study Group:Surgical Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement: Arthroscopy vs. Surgical Hip Dislocation - A Propensity Matched Analysis. Poster No. P0043, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2019 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 03/12/2019.
Curran M, Bedi A, Mendias C, Wojtys E, Kujawa M.: "Blood Flow Restriction Training Does Not ImproveQuadriceps Strength After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Paper 48, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, 07/11/2019.
Lynch TS, Minkara A, Aoki SK Bedi A, Bharam S, Clohisy JC, Harris JD, Larson CM, Nepple JJ, Nho SJ,Philippon MJ, Rosneck JT, Safran MR, Stubbs AJ, Westermann RW, Bryd JWT.: "Best Practice Guidelines for Hip Arthroscopy in Femoroacetabular Impingement: Results of a Delphi Process" Paper 73, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, 07/13/2019.
Nepple JJ, Bedi A, Zaltz I, Larson CM, Sucato DJ, Beaule P, Kim YJ, ANCHOR Group, Clohisy JC.:"Predictors of Failure After Surgical Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement: Results of a Multicenter Prospective Cohort of 621 Hips" Paper 77, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, 07/13/2019.